People think intense stress or physically demanding activities cause heart attacks. A heart attack is likely increased if you have heart disease. Heart attacks can, however, happen anywhere and at any moment. Therefore, early detection and treatment of a heart attack might spare sufferers from unfavorable outcomes.

A heart attack is a serious emergency that calls for quick intervention. Even small symptoms should be treated right away. It is recommended. Otherwise, there is a considerable risk of death or significant cardiac damage. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a heart attack occurs in the United States every 40 seconds (CDC).

Heart attack symptoms and signs

Chest discomfort lasting longer than 15 minutes indicates that you are suffering a heart attack. While some people feel slightly hurt, others struggle with significant chest pain. The typical descriptions for this ailment include tightness or chest heaviness. However, other people have no discomfort at all. More nebulous heart attack symptoms, such as back discomfort, nausea, or jaw pain, will be present in women. 

Although heart attacks happen quickly, many people experience the warning signs an hour or even a day beforehand. A person with first aid and CPR training could be able to see the characters quickly and save the victim’s life. Following is a discussion of some of the important warning signs and symptoms people experience before a heart attack:

  • A heart attack can cause moderate to severe chest discomfort. A heart attack occurs when the heart’s muscle dies from a lack of oxygen. However, not everyone experiences pain during a heart attack.
  • While chest pain may not always be present, shortness of breath may. However, it could occur before chest pain.
  • Especially in women, nausea, back discomfort, heartburn, jaw pain, sweating, being lazy, feeling dizzy, or fainting
  • Either one or both arms are hurting.
  • From your neck to your upper belly, you will experience agony.

Take These Steps If Someone Is Having A Heart Attack

Consider a member of your family, close friends, or coworker displaying heart attack symptoms. Consider how you can help the victim survive until the emergency rescue crews can intervene. To calm heart attack sufferers before the medical team comes, you can practice the first aid for heart attack techniques listed below:

Call 911

Call 911 when you or someone else experiences chest discomfort and request assistance. Your heart will suffer less harm the quicker you seek medical attention. The hospital’s medical staff will perform the necessary tests to determine if you had a heart attack and begin the best course of treatment. Therefore, always remember that your chances of survival are increased the sooner you receive emergency medical care.

Take Medicine if you’re having chest pain.

If nitroglycerin or other chest pain drugs are recommended for you or the individual experiencing a heart attack, take them as directed. If you are not experiencing chest discomfort, some medical professionals advise chewing (160–325) mg of aspirin gently. Aspirin reduces potential cardiac damage and inhibits potentially harmful blood clot development. However, be sure you don’t have any medical conditions that might worsen due to taking aspirin or allergies to it.

Stay Still and Lie Down

While you wait for the medical emergency team to come, maintain your composure and lie down. Take a nap and let your clothing hang loose. If you are experiencing a heart attack, avoid eating or drinking anything but prescribed drugs. Follow the same guidelines if someone else is also experiencing a heart attack.

If necessary, begin CPR for a heart attack.

Call 911 if the individual falls asleep or becomes unresponsive. If you can’t feel the pulse, check for a heart attack and begin CPR. However, only a CPR-certified individual should conduct CPR on a person who has undergone cardiac arrest or has a heart attack. The heart’s blood flow is improved with CPR. If no one is around who is certified in CPR, take these actions:

  • One hand should be placed on top of the other, with the heel of the lower hand on the person’s sternum (breastbone). Start by compressing your chest at 100 to 120 compressions per minute.
  • Just above your body, your hands should be.
  • Put roughly two inches of pressure on the chest.
  • Press at least twice every second.
  • Ask for assistance from the other person if required because performing CPR is a difficult task that might leave you weary. Repeat the abovementioned procedure until a paramedic or emergency team with an AED arrives.

How is An AED Used?

The majority of public spaces have AEDs available, and they are made to be user-friendly for everyone. A sudden cardiac arrest victim may benefit from using an AED (automated external defibrillator). The stages for utilizing an AED are as follows:

  • For medical assistance, dial 911 or your local emergency number.
  • Verify whether the victim is responding. Ask them if they can hear you, and give them a little shoulder shake if they are not responding. If nothing happens, the person could require CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
  • As soon as the person stops breathing, start CPR. Instruct someone else to start CPR if you are not trained while setting up the AED.
  • Find the AED and take it out of the carrying case. To activate and set up the gadget for usage, according to the instructions that came with it.
  • Following the AED’s directions, apply the adhesive pads to the victim’s exposed chest. The victim’s upper right and left sides of the chest, close to their armpits, should be covered with the pads.
  • The AED will examine the victim’s cardiac beat after the pads are in place. It will tell you verbally what to do next and will say things like “Shock advised” or “No shock advised.”
  • Press the “shock” button on the AED if the device suggests a shock is necessary. The victim’s heart will get an electric shock when the shock button is pressed, which can assist the victim’s heart rhythm in returning to normal.
  • The AED will provide instructions on restarting CPR after the shock has been administered. Once the AED is prepared to review the heart rhythm again, continue CPR for another two minutes.
  • Until medical assistance comes, keep examining the victim’s cardiac rhythm and, if necessary, shocking them.
  • It’s crucial to remember that utilizing an AED is not a replacement for receiving qualified medical attention. Always dial 911 or your local emergency number if you need medical assistance immediately.

Avoiding Heart Attacks

Heart attacks can happen anytime or place, but you can avoid them if you make certain lifestyle changes and take some precautions.

  • Your likelihood of suffering a heart attack is doubled if you smoke. Decrease your smoking or stop altogether.
  • Check and manage your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • Make time to exercise each day.
  • Keep your body at a healthy weight.
  • Eat a balanced diet and abstain from alcohol.

Learn how to perform CPR and save lives. You can take a classroom course or an online course and get certified with a lifesaving skill.