RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) is a concentrated cannabis oil known for its potential therapeutic properties. However, its potency can be overwhelming for some individuals, especially those new to cannabis or with lower THC tolerance. Diluting RSO oil allows for a more controlled and manageable dosage, reducing the risk of intense psychoactive effects and ensuring a safer consumption experience. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step process on how to dilute RSO oil effectively.

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Supplies

Before you begin, make sure you have the following supplies ready:

  1. RSO oil: Determine the amount of RSO oil you want to dilute based on your desired dosage. Start with a small quantity if you are new to RSO or have a low tolerance.
  2. Carrier oil: Select a suitable carrier oil, such as coconut oil, olive oil, or MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides). Make sure the carrier oil is of high quality and compatible with RSO oil.
  3. Measuring tools: Use measuring spoons or a kitchen scale to accurately measure the RSO oil and carrier oil.
  4. Mixing container: Choose a clean, sterile container to combine the RSO oil and carrier oil.

Step 2: Calculate the Desired Dilution Ratio

Decide on the dilution ratio that suits your needs. A common starting point is a 1:10 ratio, which means diluting one part RSO oil with ten parts carrier oil. However, you can adjust the ratio based on your personal preferences, tolerance, and desired potency.

Step 3: Measure the RSO Oil and Carrier Oil

Carefully measure the desired amount of RSO oil and carrier oil based on the chosen dilution ratio. Use measuring spoons or a kitchen scale to ensure accuracy. Precise measurements are crucial to achieve consistent results and avoid dosage inconsistencies.

Step 4: Combine the RSO Oil and Carrier Oil

Transfer both the RSO oil and carrier oil into the mixing container. Gently stir or shake the container to thoroughly combine the two substances. Take your time to ensure that the RSO oil and carrier oil are well mixed, creating a uniform solution.

Step 5: How to Dilute RSO Oil

Once the RSO oil and carrier oil are fully mixed, store the diluted RSO oil in a suitable container. Choose an airtight container that protects the oil from air, light, and heat, as these factors can degrade its potency over time. Store the container in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality and extend its shelf life.

Step 6: Adjust Dosage and Experimentation

Start with a low dose of the diluted RSO oil and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired effects. Keep a record of your dosage and its effects to help fine-tune your consumption. Each individual may have a different response to RSO oil, so it’s important to find the optimal dosage through careful experimentation.

Step 7: Seek Professional Advice

If you are new to RSO oil or have any underlying health conditions, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable cannabis expert. They can provide guidance on dosage, potential interactions, and address any concerns you may have about diluting RSO oil.


Diluting RSO oil offers a safer and more controlled approach to consuming this potent cannabis concentrate. By following this step-by-step guide, you can dilute RSO oil effectively and customize the dosage according to your needs and tolerance. Remember to use high-quality ingredients, precise measurements, and seek professional advice if necessary. Diluting RSO oil allows for a more manageable and tailored consumption experience, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable journey.