Mosquitoes are pesky creatures that can cause a lot of trouble for both residents and visitors of any property. In this guide, Pest Control Brunswick will outline some of the common spots where mosquitoes hide – and what you can do to protect yourself from them.

What is the Mosquito Life Cycle?

Mosquitoes are insects that live in the water and on land. They have a life cycle that includes two stages: an aquatic stage and a terrestrial stage.

During the aquatic stage, mosquitoes lay their eggs in water. The eggs hatch into larvae, which swim around until they find something to eat, such as another mosquito larva or a fish. Once they eat, the larvae transform into adult mosquitoes. Adult mosquitoes need blood to survive so they can spread diseases like malaria.

The terrestrial stage is when mosquitoes fly around looking for a host to bite. They can bite people, animals, or plants. Mosquitoes can also spread disease by shedding their blood onto surfaces where other people or bugs can pick it up and get sick.

How Do Mosquitoes Find Their Way To You?

Mosquitoes use a process called “orientation flights” to find their way to humans. During an orientation flight, mosquitoes first locate a human odor source, such as sweat, and then fly in that direction.

What Can You Do To Reduce The Risk Of Mosquitoes on Your Property?

Since mosquitoes can spread nasty diseases, it’s important to take measures to reduce your risk of experiencing them. Here are a few tips:

1. Keep your property clean: Clean up any debris around pools and other water sources, and make sure the areas around your home are well-maintained. Mosquitoes love dirty environments, so keeping your property tidy will help keep them at bay.

2. Use mosquito repellents: If you can’t clean up the area around your home, use mosquito repellent to keep those pesky bugs away. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using one, as not all products are effective in all circumstances.

3. Check for signs of mosquito activity: If you do encounter mosquitoes on your property, look for any signs that they’ve been there recently (bloody bites, larvae in water dishes, or adult mosquitoes). If possible, capture any mosquitoes you see for examination (in a jar with some water) to determine if they’re carrying any diseases.


Mosquitoes can be a nuisance, but they’re also an important part of our ecosystem. If you want to keep your property free of mosquitoes, there are a few things you can do. Check for standing water near your home, flower beds, and other areas that attract mosquitoes. Keep trash and waste containers closed when not in use, and empty them regularly. Make sure screens are installed on all windows and doors to keep out bugs and pests. And lastly, use mosquito repellents when necessary – they work best when used as directed.