International Baccalaureate diploma program is the internationally recognized course which provides extensive knowledge as well as exposure when compared to other courses at the same position.

Economics is the most intriguing subject which has nearly everything under the course that makes you apprehensive of the colorful confines of an economist’s perspective. But at the same time, it’s inversely veritably delicate to score in this subject. This is the reason why scholars all throughout the time are veritably serious regarding the course study of Economics.


Following are the tips that help you get a 7 in IBDP ECONOMICS HL:

Analyze the syllabus: 

 Syllabus needs to be made clear to say the motifs which have to be covered under the syllabus should be crystal clear. There should not be any confusion regarding the topics you need to cover under the specified syllabus of your concerned course. This will be regarded as the first step towards your preparation. This will save your time as well as trouble


Giving class lectures a priority:

This is the first tip which I would like to suggest to you. Most of the students hold the view that lectures are not important as they think those topics can be studied by self-study as well.

Don’t miss out on classes and even if you miss out some topics for self-study, you probably have made the basic understanding of the same topic while you were attending lectures attentively.


Reading class notes:

This will be tip number 2. This is my personal recommendation for you to make class notes religiously. This will help you to have an entire syllabus clustered in your own handwriting. Moreover, when you will be writing down in class at the time of lecture then by writing the same stuff which the teacher is teaching will make the content embedding in your brain stronger. These class notes could prove much helpful at the time of final revision.


Excel in your internal assessment: Internal assessment carries 20 percent of the marks. So if you are able to grab that then you are half the way done for sure. For that you need to be conscious enough to present your assessment in a well-organized and well equipped with facts, and figures.

 Draw the needed diagrams as it carries 3 marks for specific diagrams. So it becomes important to draw a neat and clean illustration alongside. You should label each crucial term associated with the illustration. You should compactly unfold the generalities stressed through the illustration.

IB Economics Internal Assessment requires you to show how the proposition and crucial profitable generalities relate to your case. The profitable generalities include choice, profitable well- being, change, intervention, interdependence, sustainability, effectiveness, equity, and failure.


Practice diagrams for as many cases as possible:

 If you are able to present a diagram for every possible case asked in the exam then definitely it will help you grab extra marks. Your answer will look attractive to the examiner, making them give you more marks. There should be a separate notebook listing all the diagrams which may prove helpful in illustrating Cases you are asked to solve.


Practice past years question papers:

 Practicing past year question papers will give a better idea of how questions are framed in examination. Also you will get to know which topic is getting repeated the maximum number of times.

Accordingly you can shift the focus more on those topics. Past years are also indicative of real exam scenarios. They are regarded as the best option for checking out your own preparation. Normally you will get no help from online websites for IBDP on past papers, hence it is recommended that you subscribe to tribe topper courses for full access to past papers of last three years


Solving mock papers:

 Practicing Mocks as much as possible would help you land safely at your destination of grabbing a level of 7. This can prove a real game changer for the entire year of preparation. This is the field where you practice to actually prove how dedicated you were to your studies. But one thing which you must keep in your mind while doing mocks is you should always give mocks in a time bound scenario.

TribeTopper is the only IBDP Economics website which provide Mock Papers as of now. A great resource to increase your scores. Practicing a mock without a time limit would help you land nowhere. It is because the actual role of mocks is to prepare you to answer all the questions asked in the exam in the allotted time only.

IBDP Economics is not easy but also not that difficult – You need to follow the tips and resources given here to excel in this piece.