Although they are a typical domestic nuisance, cockroaches may be a severe issue. If you don’t take steps to keep cockroaches from infesting your home, they can seriously harm it and swiftly multiply.


Once cockroaches are gone, cleaning your home of any food and drink they may have left behind is essential. Cockroach droppings can make your kitchen smell bad, so it’s best to do an all-out cleanse when you’ve got the roaches out.

  • Don’t leave food out overnight—or at all! If you’re concerned about this happening anywhere near where live cockroaches might be lurking nearby (like inside their nests), then try putting plastic wrap over all dishes before putting them away for storage or sale during times when no one is home but themselves.

Seal entry points

Cockroaches can enter your home through small cracks in the walls and floors. They can squeeze through a 1/4-inch gap, which is very small and most likely not noticeable to you.

Cockroaches can crawl through a 1/16-inch crack, but they are not able to climb up walls or across ceilings.

Close off food storage areas.

  • Keep food in an airtight container. The cockroach’s natural habitat is the outdoors, so it makes sense that they’ll be drawn to anything eaten by humans. If you store your food in sealed containers, chances are better that cockroaches won’t be able to get at it—or if they do, they’ll have a hard time chewing through the plastic or glass and getting into your food.
  • Seal up cabinets and pantries with rubber gaskets (like those used for refrigerator doors). Cockroaches love warm temperatures—so keep all of your kitchen cabinets closed at all times! And don’t forget about closing up any areas where you keep things like frozen food or canned goods; this will help prevent them from crawling around inside everything else inside those spaces as well! If there’s no room for people around these kinds of foods but still want them nearby because they’re important too (like medicines), then consider putting something underneath like a newspaper instead – this way, there’s still enough space available since paper doesn’t absorb moisture as plastic does

Limit clutter

Cockroaches are attracted to clutter, and if you have too much stuff lying around, it’s more likely that roaches will take up residence in your home.

  • Keep your house clean and tidy. Cleaning regularly is the best way to prevent cockroaches from getting into your home in the first place! Keeping surfaces clean helps them sanitary, making it harder for roaches to breed or hide away when they find a way inside.
  • Keep food storage areas clean and tidy too! Cockroaches love going through garbage cans and recycling bins because they see these as an easy source of food (and maybe even water). Make sure all food containers are sealed tightly, so there’s no chance of pests accessing them—mainly if those containers include cans or leftovers from past dinners/meals/dinners. Do you get the picture?

Don’t leave trash around.

Cockroaches are attracted to trash. So if you want to keep them at bay, don’t leave the kitchen trash can out overnight or in the garage. They’ll be drawn to it like moths to a flame!

Do not leave food scraps on your countertop or table unless you eat them immediately afterward. Cockroaches thrive off grease and grease-laden foods—they love bread crumbs, egg shells, and peanut butter in particular—so it’s best if all of this stuff is thrown away regularly instead of sitting out where cockroaches can get at it quickly.

Cockroaches have adapted to live just about anywhere.

Cockroaches have adapted to live anywhere. They can live in any environment, from the inside of your home to sewers and drains. Cockroaches can even thrive in garbage dumps or other places where humans don’t usually go!

Where cockroaches live is where they lay their eggs.

Cockroaches are opportunistic, which means they’ll try to find a place to live where it’s dark and moist. They’ll also stay in the same spot for a long time if they can get away with it. If you want to prevent them from living in your home, you need to make sure that there aren’t any dark, moist places where cockroaches could lay their eggs—and then seal up those areas with plastic or other materials so they can’t hatch out into large numbers of roaches!

Cockroaches will lay their eggs anywhere: on top of foodstuffs, under furniture; underneath bathroom sinks; behind appliances (like refrigerators); even inside cabinets! So don’t be surprised if one day, when cooking dinner at home and making yourself something delicious like soup or stew instead of just eating cereal for breakfast because “it was easy,” suddenly hundreds upon hundreds upon thousands upon millions upon billions upon trillions upon quadrillions upon quintillions upon sextillions…..of crawling little monsters come running out from under the sink!

Eliminate. Defend. Protect.

If you have a cockroach infestation, first and foremost, you need to eliminate the source of the problem—the food source that attracts roaches in the first place (foods like crumbs and moldy food). This can be very difficult because, often, there will be multiple sources for cockroaches to hide out in your home, so you must take time to look over each room and find where all these hiding spots are located before starting any extermination efforts. Once those areas have been eliminated from providing food or shelter for roaches, it’s time to move on with defense methods against future infestations, such as spraying pesticides or using traps/baits inside your home!

Although they are one of the most prevalent home pests, cockroaches may be a significant annoyance. Here are some suggestions and ideas on how to get rid of them from roaches pest control in Shrewsbury, PA:

  • Clean-up: Make sure there’s no food or trash left behind. This means vacuuming up every little bit after cooking and cleaning up spills around the house as soon as possible so that it doesn’t attract more cockroaches when it starts raining. You also need to keep an eye out for any cracks in window frames where bugs could hide during the day or nighttime hours!
  • Seal entry points: Make sure there aren’t any openings left between walls where insects could crawl through undetected into other rooms inside the house before making their way back outside again later on down below ground level once nighttime comes around again, during which point they would all return into hiding spots within each respective area until next springtime when things start growing again such as flowers budging forth then blooming eventually producing seeds when fertilized along with others growing without any help whatsoever
  • Close off food storage areas: When storing foods away from home, always keep them tight with some plastic wrap so that nothing can get inside or out again once opened up afterward because these types of insects are attracted to light colors too. Therefore, chances are high if any kindling wood materials were sitting around near where ever tasks were being performed at times like this would mean others might wander over looking for what they need in order, not giving notice until later on down below ground level once nighttime comes around again during which point they would all return into hiding spots within each respective area until next springtime when things start growing again such as flowers budging forth then blooming eventually producing seeds when fertilized along with others growing without any help whatsoever.