Laser cutting is a process that uses highly concentrated beams of light to vaporize material and cut it. It is an excellent choice for materials that are difficult or impossible to cut with other methods.

The cutting system typically consists of a generator, an external optics (including a focus lens), and a laser head. It may also include a heat transfer system for waste heat.

Metalworking Images

There are a lot of amazing things that you can create from laser cutting. These include intricately layered sculptural pieces, beautiful illustrations, and intricate paper-cut artifacts.

You can also find laser-cut metal parts and accessories that you can buy and use to make your own products. These can be anything from keyrings to picture frames and wooden coasters.

A laser cutter works by shooting a beam of light through a material, which vaporizes the top layer. This allows the laser to cut all the way through it while leaving a high-quality surface finish on the part.

The laser can be set to a specific power and speed based on the type of material you are working with. The settings determine how fast the laser pulses when it cuts, which affects the quality of the cut. Likewise, the settings for rastering affect how fine an image the laser produces. A higher resolution will produce a better, darker image, but if there is too much heat concentrated in one area it may cause the material to catch fire or melt.

Metalworking Blog

Located in Rome, Italy, LASER CUTTING ROMANIA is a one stop shop for metal cutting and finishing services. Featuring a small but mighty staff of ten, they are well versed in a wide range of fabrication and finishing modalities from the basics to the high end, including, but not limited to, metal bending, metal finishing, welding, machining and plating. The company also offers a variety of unique and interesting training programs and seminars for the novice to the seasoned pro, in both English and French.

Metalworking Channels

Metalworking is the process of transforming metal into useful objects, parts or assemblies. It includes a diverse range of techniques, skills, and tools to create products on every scale.

The roots of metalworking date back to the earliest human cultures, when people began to smelt and hammer ores into useful objects. It evolved from shaping soft, native metals like gold with simple hand tools to highly technical modern processes such as machining and welding.

Cutting is the process of removing material from a workpiece using milling, routing or turning. Technologies such as CNC (computer numerical control) machines automate this process.

Joining is the process of joining two pieces of metal together through welding or soldering. Welding is commonly used for large projects, while soldering works well for smaller ones.

Metalworking is a craft that has been used in the world’s history as an industry, driver of trade, individual hobbies, and in the creation of art. It is a practice that spans a variety of cultures and civilizations and is still in use today, especially in less developed countries or for historical reenactment.