COVID-19 Impacting Divorce Rates

It’s no surprise that the coronavirus pandemic is causing divorce rates to rise as quarantine has placed additional strain on relationships.

The combination of couples stuck in the house, homeschooling children, working remotely, dealing with unemployment and financial strain, worrying about their health and the health of loved ones, and maybe even experiencing the death of a loved one has put a significant strain on relationships causing many marriages to reach their breaking point.

The Pandemic and Divorce Rates

When the pandemic began in March there was already an uptick in divorce rates. The New York Post reported that people filing for separation during quarantine peaked nationally on April 13, 2020, which was about three weeks after most states began lockdowns.

Furthermore, data collected by Legal Templates, a company that provides legal documents, reported the number of people seeking a divorce in the United States was 34 percent higher in this year from March through June compared to 2019.

The pandemic has caused couples to deal with things they have never dealt with before. It’s a lot to manage. And for some couples, it’s too much. The National Law Review reported that newer couples have been reported as being the most likely to file for divorce. It also reported 20 percent of couples who had been married for five months or less sought divorce during the months of March, April, May, and June compared with 11 percent in 2019. The number of life insurance policies and payouts required in divorce settlements also increased this year as opposed to previous years.

How Do We Make Sense of COVID-19 Impacting Divorce Rates?

If a couple already struggled with communication and support or had other serious marital problems, the added stress brought about by the pandemic likely emphasized pre-existing issues.

Unhappy pre-pandemic couples might have remained stable by spending considerable time apart before quarantining in March 2020. Between work hours, commuting to/from work, and kids’ after school activities, married couples could function day-to-day without spending much time together. Many couples had distractions to prevent their attention from focusing on their unhappy marriage, but quarantine changed that and suddenly couples couldn’t ignore their relationship anymore, resulting in more people filing for divorce.

Hire a Divorce Attorney to Help With Your Divorce During COVID-19

Divorce is extremely stressful even in a less chaotic world. Deciding to end a marriage is never easy, and with the pandemic adding additional stress, it may feel particularly daunting. However, there are different options to start the divorce process, and finding which path is best for you and your family is essential. It’s important for people who are considering a divorce to seek support from an experienced divorce attorney to help them navigate this major life event during an unprecedented and stressful time.

If you need a New York divorce attorney, The Louis Law Firm, PLLC have the knowledge and experience to helping those who are looking to file for divorce.  If you need a divorce lawyer in Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island or Manhattan, call The Louis Law Firm, PLLC at (347) 926-3388 to schedule a free consultation.  My office also files for divorces in Nassau County and provide affordable retainers.