• Gather all necessary items

  • Choose the right tray

  • Arrange the items on the tray

  • Serve the tea

  • Clear the tray

The art of serving tea on a tray is a timeless and sophisticated way to present and serve the beverage to guests or loved ones.

It’s a perfect opportunity to elevate the tea-drinking experience and make it something special.

Tea Trays: Here are some tips on how to perfectly execute this classic act of hospitality

  • Gather your tools:

Before you can serve tea on a tray, you’ll need to have all the necessary items.

This includes a tea tray, cups and saucers, a teapot, a tea strainer, a sugar bowl, a creamer or milk jug, and some small spoons.

You may also want to include some small plates or saucers for biscuits or cookies.

  • Choose the right tray:

The tray you use should be large enough to hold all the necessary items, but not so large that it becomes difficult to carry.

Opt for a tray with handles or raised edges for easier transport.

It’s also important to select a tray that is sturdy and able to handle the weight of all the items you’ll be placing on it.

  • Arrange the items:

Once you have all the necessary items, arrange them on the tray in an attractive and organized way. Place the teapot in the center of the tray, with the cups and saucers arranged around it.

The sugar bowl, creamer, and spoons can be placed on one side of the tray, with the biscuits or cookies on the other.

The goal is to make it easy for guests to find what they need and serve themselves.

  • Pour the tea:

Once the tray is arranged, it’s time to pour the tea.

Fill the teapot with hot water and add the desired amount of tea leaves. Let the tea steep for the recommended amount of time, then use the tea strainer to pour the tea into the cups.

Offer cream and sugar to your guests, and be sure to serve the biscuits or cookies on small plates or saucers.

  • Clean up:

Once the tea has been served and your guests have finished, it’s time to clear the tray.

Gather up all the cups, saucers, and other items and take them back to the kitchen.

Wipe the tray clean and return it to its proper place.

Serving tea on a tray is a classic and sophisticated way to present and serve the beverage.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your tea service is both efficient and visually pleasing.

Whether you’re hosting a formal tea party or just want to serve your daily cup of tea in a more refined way, serving tea on a tray is a timeless and elegant way to do so.

There are a few additional considerations to keep in mind when serving tea on a tray:

  • Choose the right tea:

The type of tea you serve can greatly affect the overall tea-drinking experience.

Consider the preferences of your guests and choose a tea that will be enjoyable for them. You may also want to offer a variety of teas to accommodate different preferences.

  • Set the mood:

The atmosphere and ambiance can greatly affect the tea-drinking experience.

Consider setting the table with linens, flowers, or other decorative elements to create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere.

  • Offer refills:

Be sure to check in with your guests regularly to see if they need a refill or if there is anything else they need.

It’s important to be attentive and make sure your guests are comfortable and have everything they need while they enjoy their tea.

By keeping these additional considerations in mind, you can create a memorable and enjoyable tea-drinking experience for your guests.

Whether you’re serving tea in a formal setting or just want to add a touch of elegance to your daily routine, serving tea on a tray is a timeless and sophisticated way to do so.

How to Care for Your Tea Tray: Tips for Keeping It Clean and in Good Condition

To ensure that your tea tray stays in good condition and continues to be a functional and attractive addition to your tea service, there are a few things you can do:

  • Wipe it clean after each use:

After each use, be sure to wipe the tray clean with a soft, dry cloth.

This will help prevent any spills or stains from setting in and will keep the tray looking clean and fresh.

  • Store it properly:

When not in use, be sure to store the tray properly.

Avoid stacking heavy items on top of the tray, as this can damage the tray or cause it to become misshapen.

Instead, store the tray in a dry, cool place where it won’t be subjected to extreme temperatures or moisture.

  • Clean it regularly:

It’s a good idea to give your tea tray a thorough cleaning every few months or so.

You can use mild detergent and warm water to clean the tray, then dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth.

Be sure to pay extra attention to any corners or crevices, as these areas can accumulate dirt or grime over time.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your tea tray in good condition and ensure that it continues to be a functional and attractive addition to your tea service.

A Brief History of Tea Trays: From Ancient China to Modern Day

Tea trays have a long and storied history dating back to ancient civilizations.

The ancient Chinese are credited with inventing tea and the first known reference to Gongfu tea trays can be found in Chinese literature from the early Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) as mentioned before by Cbo Wizard.

Tea trays were originally used to serve tea in a formal setting and were often made of lacquered wood or bamboo.

In the 17th century, tea became popular in Europe and tea trays began to evolve to reflect the different cultural tastes of the time.

Tea trays were often made of silver or other precious metals and were used to serve tea in a more formal setting.

Today, tea trays are still used to serve tea in a formal setting, but they are also commonly used in everyday life to serve tea in a more casual setting.


In conclusion, tea trays have a long and storied history dating back to ancient civilizations.

They have evolved over time and are now commonly used to serve tea in both formal and casual settings.

To ensure that your tea tray stays in good condition and continues to be a functional and attractive addition to your tea service, be sure to wipe it clean after each use, store it properly, and clean it regularly.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your tea tray in good condition and continue to enjoy the elegance and sophistication of serving tea on a tray.