The inclusion of technical aspects in the paxful clone script assists traders to make decisions better when the user is in the trading mode. As they have access to more up-to-date data and analysis. Secondly, they can assist traders to reduce risk, as they can use automated strategies to reduce error possibilities. Finally, they can assist traders to increase ample amount of profits, as they can use strategies such as scalping and arbitrage to maximize returns. 

1. Trading Engine: The trading engine is the backbone of a crypto exchange. It needs to be designed to handle high throughput and scalability.

2. Security: Security is of utmost importance for a crypto exchange. It needs to have secure wallets, secure storage, multi-factor authentication, and encrypted communications.

3. Liquidity: Liquidity is necessary for a successful crypto exchange. It needs to ensure that there is sufficient order book depth and market liquidity.

4. Market Surveillance: The exchange must have market surveillance tools to detect and prevent any malicious activities such as spoofing, wash trading, insider trading, etc.

5. Payment Processing: Payment processing is essential for a crypto exchange. It needs to have integrated payment systems for both fiat and cryptocurrencies.

6. User Interface: The user interface needs to be intuitive and user-friendly. It should have features such as order books, charts, and other trading tools.

7. Customer Support: Crypto exchange needs to have reliable customer support so that users can contact customer service in case of any issues.

8. Regulatory Compliance: Crypto exchanges need to be compliant with local laws and regulations.