For complete brows, you’ve probably heard of microblading. Did you know that treating your scalp may be done similarly? This process, known as scalp micropigmentation (SMP), makes hair look thicker. But just what makes the difference?

While micropigmentation is often done using an electric tattoo tool, microblading is typically done with a manual blade. This is because your scalp’s skin is thicker than the skin behind your brows, requiring more effort to penetrate and providing healthy scalp treatment.

What Are SMP, And Who May Profit from Them?

The purpose of SMP is not to produce hair like lines like when microblading brows but rather to employ small, layered dots in varying shades of black to mimic the appearance of a shadow on your head. This technique, known as pointillism, produces natural-looking depth and definition.

  • Cancer
  • Alopecia
  • Thinning hair
  • Male and female pattern baldness are all possibilities

Is It Painful? What Is the Procedure Like?

So, how unpleasant is this procedure? In a nutshell, it depends.

Your SMP practitioner will administer a topical numbing medication to your scalp before the operation. However, keep in mind that there may still be some discomfort. However, how much agony you experience is primarily determined by your pain tolerance.

You’ll most likely have a first meeting when you’ve done your homework and found a responsible and experienced SMP artist (more on how to accomplish this below). During this appointment, your practitioner will prepare you with what to expect and how to prepare ahead of time.

Here are some examples of general guidelines:

  • Before each treatment, take a shower. You will be unable to wash or dampen your scalp (including heavy perspiration) for four days following each visit.
  • Each treatment normally lasts four to five hours.
  • The quantity of scalp receiving SMP will determine the number of treatments required. Even if it’s only for a tiny location, such as a widow’s peak, Cohen believes three to four treatments are required for long-term retention since SMP is a layering process.
  • The treatments will be spaced a few weeks apart.

Swim, utilize steam or sauna rooms, or take hot showers that may generate a steam storm in the weeks between treatments.

For the first four days, avoid exposing your scalp to the sun (wearing a hat is fine). On the fifth day following treatment, you can expose the treated skin to the sun for one hour or 45 minutes if you have very fair skin. However, less sun exposure to the treated region equals greater long-term retention.

Following your final treatment, you must:

  • Swimming, saunas, and steam rooms should be avoided for 28 days following your final treatment.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun for 28 days following treatment. After that, apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30-50.
  • Avoid strenuous exertion for five days following your final treatment.
  • After the fourth day of your last treatment, regularly moisturize the treated region (this is also true between treatments).

Reality of Low-Light Laser Therapy (LLLT) For Hair Loss

Low-Level Laser Therapy for hair loss has recently received much attention. There are several claims that it may achieve amazing outcomes. It can halt hair loss in its tracks. Assist you in regrowing your hair to make it thicker and healthier. You may have noticed an increase in the availability of laser therapy machine for sales, such as laser combs and caps.

A very effective non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical hair restoration method may sound appealing, but you may question whether it’s too good to be true. It’s not always simple to distinguish between hype and truth.