A label is a vital aspect of the packaging industry. Hence, manufacturers can’t afford to have scuffed or misprinted labels. Irrespective of the packaging size, informative labels are in high demand. This is more so because labels feature vital information that aids users in connecting and buying goods and products. Scuffing results in fading label prints, encouraging industries to incorporate scuff testing so that there are no problems in the future.

What is scuff testing

Scuffing is the procedure where two surfaces rub against each other. It is due to friction of surfaces that some parts of the labels used to wear away during the scuffing process. The outcome is losing vital and relevant information related to the packaged product. Moreover, worn-away labels make the entire packaging appear repelling. The longevity of a printed, polished, and painted label can be resisted abrasion by simulating a scuff testing process. The process can imitate the effects of human usage in continuous abrasion between multiple types of surfaces.

Friction is natural

Scuffing is, no doubt, a natural process. When two products/goods are kept together, the surfaces rubbing against each other are natural. Several precautions can be taken to resist or avoid the abrasion of labels. Thanks to the scuff resistance tester, where the specimen is rubbed against an abrading paper for particular cycles of rotations. Because of the constant friction, the prints from the labels start wearing off.

What is a scuff resistance tester

A scuff resistance tester is a state-of-the-art testing instrument or tool utilized in the majority of the packaging industry in the USA. The labels used in the packaging are tested using the machine to determine whether prints are resistant to abrasion or scuffing to a specific level. The scuff resistance tester measures the actual friction that is assumed. Products and goods in the international market must comply with international scuff testing standards. This is important to ensure that the products tested from the scuff resistance testing machines are accepted worldwide.

How does abrasion affect the labeling of packages

Abrasion damage generally takes place during storage, handling, and transport. The outcome of abrasion or scuffing is a decrease in the legibility of the product information. Moreover, the appearance of products is also affected negatively. The degree of damage caused due to scuffing also depends on the weather conditions like humidity and temperature. Thus, modern industries encourage utilizing scuff testing and determining the durability of labels subjected to abrasion and scuffing.


Since labels carry vital information about the goods and products, it is necessary to reach the targeted audience best. Hence, industries ensure that the labels undergo multiple testing processes. Adhesion strength testing, peel testing, printability testing, scuff testing, and color qualifications are some of the common yet vital tests performed by label testing labs and other similar facilities. Thus, the importance of scuff testing, particularly in the packaging industry, cannot be ignored.