The following are the 8 types of defense strategies which people use when they are in real life situations.

1. The Officer Did Not Have Reasonable Suspicion for The DUI Stop

Deny the evidence stating that it is insufficient to assume a crime, drunk driving, has occurred. If the judge determined that the officer who arrested you for DUI had no enough probable cause, then the breath or blood alcohol test may be inadmissible in the trial. Sometimes they are discharged and the case is completely dropped.

2. Integrated Maneuvering in One’s Lanes Does Not Warrant A DUI Traffic Stop

For an officer to effectively stop a driver, there has to be a reason wherein the officer can testify that a certain traffic violation had occurred or that there was a ‘probable cause’ to affect the stop; an arbitrary DUI traffic stop is unconstitutional under the Georgia State and the US constitution. Suppression motion, on the other hand, is used when the traffic stop is deemed illegitimate, which grants the possibility to confront the police officer under the judge while proving that the case must be dismissed.

3. Distractions On the Road Does Not Necessarily Equal to Drunk Driving

Maybe you were students and you were reading road signs because you’re lost in some city you have not been before. Of course, you were watching yet another driver talking on his/her cell phone. Finally, there are always reasonable causes for your poor driving. It also does not imply that the driver was in any way impaired as touched on for instance in the case of drunk driving.

4. The So-Called Effects of DUI Are Such Symptoms of Fatigue or Allergies

A lot of the true manifestations of DUI, which develop into more severe symptoms, can be referred to fatigue and allergy. Tiredness leads to bad driving, red and watery eyes, slowness of some of the DUI officer’s questions and generalized difficulties with the field sobriety tests that need alertness and dexterity.

5. How Reliable Are Field Sobriety Tests

For instance, while assessing the reliability of the one leg stand test which is set at 0.65 and the walk-and-turn test, which is set at 0.68 NHTSA reports the test to be of a relative efficiency. When officers arrest DUI suspects based on failure in these tests, half of the suspects are being falsely arrested.

6. Some Of the Causes of The Poor Performance in Field Sobriety Tests

However, you might fail in the DUI field sobriety tests notwithstanding despite performing below your best, this may be occasioned by worst test environment that include uneven or slippery ground, continuous flickering lights and traffic, at night, in the rain or even when you are frightened.

7. Challenge The Chemical Test

Biases in flavor can interpose at any stage concerning the collection, storage, and analysis of a blood or urine sample. Often it is found that appropriate measures are not taken in relation to a particular case. Something present in all these chemical tests is the factor of variability of results, which has an inherent probability error attached to it. If you get a hold of an attorney right away, we can get an independent BAC test to compare the two results. It is a tactic to make the jury question the authenticity of these results and set you free through the verdict of Not Guilty.

8. Get A Competent DUI Defense Lawyer

A competent, experienced, and rigorous defense lawyer for drunk driving cases and who uses successful DUI defense strategies is your defense lawyer to hire in case of a DUI offense that will help you avoid a harsh criminal record and loss of your license. Your legal defense shall ensure that they see to it that your charges are either dismissed or lowered. For your rights to be protected speak to us right away!