If you have long been seeking business phone numbers, you have likely encountered the term vanity numbers. You may have witnessed other businesses using vanity numbers, and you wonder how to get a phone number for your business and how it impacts your overall operations. In our post today, we will cover the essential things that you wish to understand about getting these phone numbers.

What Is a Vanity Phone Number?

When the matter arrives at vanity phone numbers, it is seamless to keep in mind since it would spell an entire phrase or word comprising of a set of memorable or repeated numbers. Vanity phone numbers typically strike the mind of a person, so they need not perform any Google search for it while checking out the competitors. Several vanity phone numbers are typically toll-free. Alternatively, people who come from any area code would dial up the toll-free with the businesses paying towards the charges. You can get a phone number for your business that operates nationwide or is restricted to a specific region.

Choosing the Best Phone Number for Your Business

Let us now take a look at the core perks these vanity numbers would bring to your business and the best way to opt for one.

Determine the Coverage You Need

The toll-free numbers for businesses will assist you in extending the range of your entire business by rendering the customers out of your local areas in a matter you would call for free. The number gets ported across the phone system that businesses use. However, how more would this range extend to?

Choose the Right Word or Phrase for Your Vanity Number

The business phone number or toll-free number is often ten digits in length and comprises a prefix. It indicates that you would get seven digits for the word, number, or combination of phrases. Thereby, you can opt for a word that is often less than seven characters; however, you need to settle for retaining a combination of numbers along with the phrase or word.

Choose the Best Plan for Your Vanity Number

You are often at any stage indicating business growth whenever you decide to get a phone number for your business to boost sales, grow your brand, and offer your clients a better way to connect to you. If you are a startup business, then you may often consider that you require phone service; however, it is the right time to initiate branding and locate the ideal service provider.

A business phone number is ideal across businesses of all sizes since you would initiate with a plan that fits your business needs while adjusting its growth. The phone systems are often virtual with a couple of clicks; it would take adding even more numbers and upgrading the pricing and plan.


The ideal way to get a phone number for your business can aid you in standing out while offering it greater credibility. You can thereby generate greater leads with more businesses offering your customers the phone number your clients can remember. After you locate the ideal vanity number, it is seamless to buy and get it transferred to your phone systems, whether it involves a single cell phone or intricate on-premise phone numbers.