Sure, you can use a traditional star or angel as a Christmas tree topper, or improvise one with umbrella lights – but there are many other ways to top off your tree!

And, part of the magic of Christmas is putting on your favorite playlist, brewing some real hot chocolate, and getting cozy and creative. If you love how Christmas tree sprays can help your tree come alive and feel fuller, why not utilize these decorations to punctuate the top of your tree too?

We’ll cover the basics below!

How Many Are Needed?
That depends on the size of the tree. For a full-sized tree (9’) you’ll need about 35 total. For a smaller tree, say a 7’ model, you’ll need somewhere around 30, give or take.

The smaller the tree, the fewer are needed.

Choosing the Sprays
If you want a dynamic looking tree topper, you won’t want to use all sprays of exactly the same style and color. A little variety goes a long way.

Instead, use between two and three different styles that are compatible and work nicely with your theme, incorporating these together to produce a pleasant, elegant tree topper.

Making the Tree Topper
To get started, take one of your sprays and insert it straight down into the top of the tree so that the spray stem lays right alongside the tree’s pole.

For a little extra security, you can wrap some of the tree’s points or branches around the base of the spray’s stem to hold it in place.

Take another one of your sprays and place it in the same fashion on the other side of the tree, then with the following several sprays, proceed around the tree, always inserting the stems straight down.

As you crowd the very top of the tree, move slowly lower from the top and insert more sprays, making sure that the stems point straight down. Again, you can use the tree’s points to secure the spray stems.

With your first five to ten sprays inserted into the top of the tree, start spreading out the wispy upper portions of the sprays to give the tree topper more volume and intrigue.

This is your first layer. Now, you’re going to want to start adding in your second (and, if applicable, third) styles of sprays to create the second (and third) layers.

The maxim here is the same – you want your stems to be oriented straight down, but what you want to do is place these new sprays in between the sprays you’ve already arranged, filling in any voids.

If possible, push them slightly deeper down so that one of the two styles appears taller than the other. This creates an impression of layering which adds depth to the tree topper.

If you are using a third style of Christmas tree spray with your topper, follow the same pattern; insert the sprays with the stem straight down; you don’t want stems poking out the other side of the tree.

Once you have all of your sprays inserted into the top of the tree, you can fluff out all of the parts of the sprays to make the topper look bigger, brighter, and more colorful.

As a final step to creating a tree topper in this fashion is to use some picks from the same collection as the one from which you got the sprays, incorporating them into the tree in the same fashion.

Shop Christmas Tree Sprays and Tree Toppers Online
The method described in this post gives you the flexibility to create a truly custom tree topper for your Christmas tree using only sprays and picks – it is quite easy, convenient, and can be quite affordable, too.

To learn more, visit Decorator’s Warehouse online or visit their YouTube channel (from which we got this inspiration!).

For more information about Nativity Ornaments and Christmas Store Please visit: Decorator’s Warehouse.