Alcohol poisoning is a deadly condition wherein you need to call the emergency department promptly. No matter if you have the symptoms of mild alcohol poisoning or severe one, poisoning indicates the consumption of alcohol beyond the recommended dose.
The condition is most common in young adults and students, and they often shy away from approaching the emergency or their close network. As a result, some may go into a coma, or some may have heart failure.
The article is all about alcohol poisoning and how you can cope and avoid such situations.
Understanding alcohol poisoning
Alcohol poisoning happens when your blood concentration level reaches 0.08%. If you are not watchful of the drinking pattern and consume a higher amount in a short time, conditions may arise called – alcohol poisoning.
The liver processes it and throws it out of the body, but a higher amount puts pressure on the liver, and as a result, the alcohol stays in the body for longer. When it stays in the bloodstream for quite a long duration, it causes severe harm to you.
Now. know about the blood concentration level of alcohol and its side effects.
- 0.0 to 0.05% – the initial effect is relaxation, and this concentration is not risky. However, you may have mild sleepiness and impaired coordination and balance.
- 0.06% to 0.15% – when the alcohol level reaches over 0.08%, it is considered a red flag. There are high levels of behavior changes and utmost aggressions accompanied by severe judgment impairment and slurred speech along with loss of memory attention.
- 0.16% to 0.30% – Under this phase, impaired judgment and balance are very much affected, along with blackouts and unconsciousness. You can also expect a 3-day hangover; even if you are out of danger, you will have a hangover for three days.
Along with that, other symptoms that appear are vomiting, slow reaction time, and impaired judgment and driving skills.
- Above 0.31% – now the condition is life-threatening, which requires prompt action. Under this phase, you may have slowed breathing and brain death, which can cause seizures and coma.
What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning?
If you or your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, call the emergency immediately:
- Low body temperature
- Unable to move
- Seizures and tremors
- Confusion and disorientation
- Irregular heart rate
- Vomiting
- Unconsciousness
- No response
- Clammy skin
What causes alcohol poisoning?
The foremost reason is drinking large amounts of alcohol in one go. You may consider it as a relaxant, but in reality, it is a depressant that slows brain function. So, find out the leading causes of alcohol poisoning.
Binge drinking
Binge drinking happens when a male drinks four to five glasses within two hours and when a woman drinks three to four glasses in the same period.
The condition generally happens when you are going through mental health issues or when you are in party mode and tend to drink without considering the later side effects.
Even if you are in the enjoyment mode, watch your drinking levels.
The condition is even more dangerous when you drink a large amount on an empty stomach. The food slows tha alcohol absorption. However, it will definitely hit you.
Mixing it with other medications or harmful drugs
Alcohol is highly capable of interacting with different medicines, especially antidepressants. You have to be very careful when you are on some medications and need to tell your doctor before binging on alcohol.
Also, alcohol, along with other substances like heroin and cocaine, produces lethal effects, and it may throw everyday life out of gear.
These factors can also lead to alcohol poisoning symptoms the next day.
What are the risk factors for alcohol poisoning?
Several factors account for the alcohol poisoning. Some people may get the symptoms quickly. However, many people get alcohol poisoning symptoms the next day.
- The level of alcohol in your drink, that is, if you are mixing it up with the soft drink, then the quantity matters. The lower the quantity, the less harm it will do.
- Your body weight and size.
- Gender – females are more prone to alcohol poisoning if consumed in a shorter time.
- If you consume alcohol on an empty stomach, the body will absorb alcohol quickly if consumed quickly.
- If you are taking any other medication along with it, be very careful, as it can cause serious side effects.
- Your alcohol tolerance
What is the alcohol poisoning treatment?
As mentioned, you have to be very quick to call the emergency department, as it is the only way to save a life. But please note that looking the other way or treating at home is a big no.
- IV Fluids—Dehydration can worsen symptoms. If you or a loved one is unconscious, IV fluids are the only solution to keep you hydrated.
- Alcohol removal from the body – the process of alcohol removal from the body is called hemodialysis. The emergency will use the machine to drain the alcohol from the body quickly. The longer it stays, the more harm it can cause.
- Monitoring of blood pressure and saturation level—The doctor will check the blood pressure levels and prescribe medicine if they are low or high. Alcohol can also slow breathing, and the lack of oxygen in different parts can cause several life-threatening symptoms. In such cases, oxygen masks are needed.
- Stomach pumping – the more alcohol you consume, the more it gets metabolized and released in the blood. The initial step is to stop it from metabolizing so that it does not cause harm, so the specialist will insert a tube in the stomach and pump it to stop the alcohol metabolism.
Final words
Mild alcohol poisoning is severe; every form is lethal and calls for immediate attention. If someone around you is intoxicated at the level that the condition is life-threatening, then immediately rush to the hospital.
Do not try to treat at home as it can lead to many fatalities.