When you dive into the world of crochet, how you handle your yarn can greatly influence the outcome of the projects. The two most common techniques Yarn-over (YO) and Yarn-under(YU), may seem minor differences but can produce remarkably different results in your project. It’s easy and you just need to pick or loop your yarn with your crochet hook. In this blog, we will explore the distinction between these two techniques, provide a guide on how to do it, and help you decide the right technique for your project.
Is it required to learn both techniques?
Of course, learning these two techniques will make a great difference in your project. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced crocheter, it is good to expand your skills using these techniques. Moreover, understanding these techniques can elevate your craft and give your project a great look. Don’t worry, you will find it interesting and easy to understand. As a beginner, you can use wooden crochet hooks, to get a good grip.
Which crochet hook to choose?
The right hook depends on your yarn, project, and your preference. You can experiment with different sizes.
- You can choose a single-ended crochet hook that offers a smooth and snag-free experience.
- Interchangeable Tunisian Crochet Hook is a versatile tool, that allows you to exchange the hook size or length of the cable attached to the hook.
What is yarn over?
Let’s first understand the meaning of yarn over. Yarn over is the easiest and most common way to create a loop on the crochet. It is used to make several projects such as increasing height in loops and adding extra loops. It is one of the key components in creating decorative items.
How to do yarn over?
Follow the below steps:
Step 1– Hold the hook in the dominant hand and yarn in the other hand.
Step 2– Bring the yarn over the hook from back to front.
Step 3– Next, depending on the stitch you are working on, you will pull the yarn through the loops on your hook as instructed.
What is yarn under?
This method is less commonly used but it is still important in crochet. Yarn -under means wrapping the yarn under the hook. This technique produces tighter or more compact stitches. It is used in amigurumi or tapestry crochet.
How to do yarn under?
Step 1– Hold the hook in the dominant hand and yarn in the other hand.
Step 2– Bring the yarn under the hook from front to back.
Step 3– The next step is to pull the working yarn through the two loops already on your hook. This way you create a new loop.
A glance at Yarn over vs. Yarn under
Yarn-over (Yo) | Yarn-under (Yu) |
Wrap the yarn over the hook | Slide the yarn under the hook |
It uses more yarn | It uses less yarn |
Taller stitch | Shorter stitch |
Leaves more gaps | Leaves fewer gaps |
Slants more | Slants less |
More structured | Smoother drape |
Blankets, scarves, bags, baskets | shawls, wraps, textured stitches |
Now you understand the concept of yarn-over (yo) and yarn-under (yu), this is the basic point while creating an amazing craft project.
You can choose the suitable method keeping the following factors in mind:
- It’s important to follow the pattern instructions before you start the project.
- Decide whether you want a looser or draper fabric. In the end, your preference plays a greater role.
Experiment with both techniques to see which one is best for your project.
We have shared all the steps and points through which you can easily make your final decision. Lantern Moon has a collection of crochet hooks that will help in different projects.
Are you looking for some inspiration?
Irodoripop_handmade is a talented crafter, who creates great crochet projects using the Lantern Moon crochet hooks. Check out her new post on her Instagram page, where she crocheted a blanket with multicolor yarn. Enjoy new patterns and become a master in your crochet project.
To learn more about crochet yarn-over, refer to our beginner’s guide.
So, are you ready to start your crochet project today?