25 Apr 2024

Recent Guest Posting


Exosome-Based Strategies for Cancer Treatment 

Exosomes Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles (EVs) measuring 30-140 nm in diameter. They serve as carriers of functional molecules such as proteins, non-coding RNA, mRNA, and lipids. Acting as cellular messengers, exosomes have the ability to modulate the biological activity of recipient cells. Coined by…

Fitness, Health

Organic Mushroom Mix: How It Works? 

Organic Mushroom Mix is a Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Cordyceps trio. This blend assembles three of nature’s potent mushrooms. Reishi is famous for its adaptogenic properties; Lion’s Mane, the natural nootropic, and Cordyceps, the invigorating powerhouse. How Does It Work?  While Reishi provides your body…

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