24 Apr 2024

Category: Animals

Animals, Food


Hemp4Paws.Asia 由「加拿大」引入並推出寵物CBD產品目的是幫助寵物調理身體,令牠們可以重拾健康狀態。根據外國研究發現大麻油(火麻)在治療一些疾病方面是非常安全及有效。   Hemp4Paws.Asia 寵物CBD使命是提供一種源自大自然的天然療法方法,去調理改善您的寵物健康,過程中令寵物可以無需再依賴工業化的藥物。 HEMP(火麻)是一種擁有治癒調理能力的天然植物,現時外國亦已有多項醫學報告證實其當中成分所含的CBD能有效調理人類及寵物身體及提供不同健康益處,包括:舒緩改善焦慮、炎症、痛症、癲癇等。   HEMP 4 PAWS 產品由大麻植物類別中「火麻」所製成,通過冷壓萃取技術提煉出完全不含THC的純正CBD油,即代表不會令寵物有任何「興奮」或 「傷害」。HEMP 4 PAWS 能提供實驗報告檢測證明產品THC含量是0%,比起市場上同類型產品絕對更安全及可靠。   這就是HEMP 4 PAWS-寵物CBD產品被加拿大當地獸醫一直極力推薦的原因。HEMP 4 PAWS-寵物CBD現時已與香港獸醫正在進行臨床實驗,希望能將此安全有效的產品發展推廣至全球性,幫到更多不同寵物改善身體情況,我們亦非常鼓勵您與您的獸醫討論如何配合使用我們的產品。   Hemp4Paws.Asia 為大家提供一站式優質網上購物及客戶服務,我們致力為大家從世界各地挑選一系列高質素原材料製作產品,安全而且價格合理,為大家帶來輕鬆自在的網上購物樂趣。   Office : Workshop 10,17/F Thriving Industrial centre, No.26~38,Sha Tsui Road,Tsuen Wan,NT,Hong Kong Phone : 85290783136 Website : https://www.hemp4paws.asia  Email: [email protected]


Moth Spirit Animal 

What’s the significance here When a Moth Visits You? The most well-known inquiry that surfaces when individuals pose about moths is “the thing that does it mean when a moth visits me?” Most moths just appear around evening time, and normally, possibly fly close to…

Animals, Pets

Why Doggie Daycare? 

It seems like a great solution to numerous trainers to recommend doggy day care to the common client. Many dogs lack stimulation, sufficient outlets for his or her energy, or opportunities to socialize with other dogs. Listed below are five explanations why you might consider…


How To Find Your Spirit Animal 

From the courageous bear to the lovely butterfly, every creature symbol can convey lessons, and to become familiar with them, we suggest you read this accommodating aide. From the family pet to the ponies running free in the wild, creatures are ever-present in our lives,…


Dogs are Human’s BFFs! 

   The capacity for love that makes dogs such rewarding companions has a flip side: They find it difficult to cope without us. Since we humans programmed this vulnerability, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our dogs do not suffer as a result ” –…


How to avoid having mice at home 

In order not to have to kill rats, drive them away or spread a rat killer around your house, it is recommended that you carry out a series of cleaning actions that will prevent a rodent infestation in your home. It is essential to keep the house always clean and with…


Beaver spirit animal 

The Beaver spirit animal is a decent manufacturer. Beavers have been known to fabricate their homes out of the barest of materials. They can do this since they are watchful and exact. This is emblematically huge. At the point when this soul creature enters your…


Matthew Stoltzfus Dog Breeder 

Are you looking for the health tested parents for healthier puppies? If so, then you can visit Millwood Puppies Kennel. We provide certifications on father and mothers of puppies. We are a professional dog show handler and has received awards and “Achievement of Excellence” for…