19 Apr 2024

Category: Health


Can prolonged COVID cause POTS? 

When Long COVID patients began reporting POTS-like symptoms such as dizziness, brain fog post covid, lightheadedness, tiredness, and rapid heart rate, the parallels to autonomic abnormalities were so striking that doctors began testing for the condition. Several studies since have confirmed that prolonged COVID can…


Do Gums Grow Back After LANAP? 

You may develop gum disease if you experience problems like swollen gums, chronic bad breath, receding gums, or bleeding after brushing your teeth. If you are diagnosed with gum disease, you should consider visiting a Dentist Near Me for a thorough checkup and treatment that…


What is chronic kidney failure? 

We call kidney failure the condition in which the kidneys lose the ability to carry out their basic functions. Kidney failure can be acute, when there is a sudden and rapid loss of kidney function, or chronic, when this loss is slow, progressive and irreversible. Therefore,…


Why hire a GOOD makeup artist? 

Is it necessary or optional to hire a makeup artist for a video project? Before you discover the solution, there are a few things to think about, but mostly it depends on your vision and the kind of video production. Sometimes, we could believe that…