23 Apr 2024

Category: Health


10 Minerals Rich Foods To Include in Your Diet 

Minerals are essential nutrients that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. They play a key role in many bodily processes, including maintaining healthy bones, supporting the immune system, and regulating blood pressure. While it’s important to get enough of these essential minerals,…

Health, Hospital

About Dr. Deep Parmar 

8 years of experience as practicing doctor and 4years of glorious experience NEUROSURGERY AND SPINE   Dr DEEP PARMAR is a reputed Neurosurgeon in Ahmedabad – Brain and Spine Surgeon with vast experience in the field of Neurosurgical diseases, Epilepsy Surgery, Brain and spine tumor,…


أهم عشرة فوائد لحمض الهيالورونيك 

أدى تقدم حمض الهيالورونيك وفوائده إلى نقل الصناعة الطبية إلى مستوى أعلى سواء كان ذلك لأغراض جمالية أو طبية. لقد أظهرت أهمية ملحوظة في كلا المجالين. أظهر حمض الهيالورونيك سواء على شكل حشو جلدي أو حقن أندروفيل في دبي بعض النتائج الملحمية مثل أي علاج…


Why It Is Must To Check Exipure 

Using Exipure will let you lose weight. The supplement operates give a huge boost an individual’s metabolic process burn calories, hours, regular. Often the nutritional supplement features plant-based material that promote the body’s alternative weight loss methods. But the truth is, you have to use…