23 Apr 2024

Category: Technology

Business, Technology

What is CIAM? [Infographic] 

Consumer behavior has undergone drastic changes in recent years, primarily because of people’s increasing dependence on digital technology. Consequently, individuals expect enterprises to satisfy their shifting demands for better services in the digital realm. This is why business owners implement Customer Identity and Access Management…

Technology, Website

White Label Link Building Benefits 

In the early internet days, the content was the sole basis for ranking in any search engine ranking page (SERP). However, then Google introduced its well-known PageRank Algorithm. This became a game-changer in how search engines organize websites on their pages. Google did not simply…


Controlling Media With Technology 

The process of controlling the flow of media and technology has evolved into gatekeeping, wherein powerful individuals have greater influence on the content of information. This process has been termed gatekeeping, as it reduces the thousands of messages to a select few that the public…


Maze Solving Robot 

Maze Solving Robot is a comparable task however before we examine this venture, we ought to be familiar with the labyrinth and our goal. What is Maze? A maze is a sort of puzzle with start and end focuses including many impasses. To settle this…