24 Apr 2024

Foray into the successful on-demand services marketplace with the leading-edge UrbanClap Clone app


Roadrunner Webmail 

Find out steps for setting up Roadrunner Webmail on your Windows computer on the web. There are plenty of options available to you when it comes to RR email setup, such as Windows Live Mail, MS Outlook and any other email client that you have…


Significance of Mehndi in Indian Marriages 

Over the centuries, mehndi has become so ingrained in Indian tradition that today the mehndi ceremony is one of the major celebrations before the wedding. A family member, mehndi artist, or expert applies mehndi on the palms and feet of the bride. Elaborate designs are…


Spousal Maintenance After Divorce in Australia 

In the area of spousal maintenance in Australia, a distinct n  must be made between separation maintenance, which is paid during separation but still in the existing marriage, and divorced maintenance (post-marital maintenance). Therefore, there is quite different regulation about financial compensation between married couples….