19 Apr 2024

Expert Tips & Tricks For Cleaning Your Sofa’s Fabric

Education, General

Features of Workday Payroll 

Workday Payroll is a piece of software that handles all aspects of payroll. Workday Payroll is an attractive core system-of-record for handling the entire onboarding. Then onboarding retirement process for both hires and contingent staff. It can configure it in a variety of ways, making…


Top 10 Food Preservation Methods 

Top 10 Food Preservation Methods Since ancient times, humans try to preserve food for as long as possible. For this reason, we have designed strategies that prevent the rapid deterioration of food, something that was especially important in times of scarcity.Today we have many different…


Company formation in Slovenia 

Slovenia has a corporate tax rate of 19%. Companies that operate under VAT have to pay tax on purchases at 22%. Certain services, like those related to foodstuffs, water supplies, pharmaceutical products, medical equipment for disabled persons, domestic passenger transport, books (excluding e-books), and others, benefit…


Leading Case of Brunninghausen v Glavanics 

In the leading case of Brunninghausen v Glavanics the appellant was the only active director and also majority shareholder. In the same company the respondent was the sleeping director and shareholder. The relations between the two directors, who are parties to the present case, became…