Sweat glands are located in the human subcutaneous fat. Most of them are found in the armpits, palms and feet. The glands constantly secrete a certain amount of sweat to keep the body from overheating. Sweating increases when it’s hot outside or after intense physical activity, as well as during stress and intense anxiety.

Sweat contains water (99%), which evaporates and cools the body, performing the function of thermoregulation. However, in case of excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, the glands begin to work in excess of the norm, secreting more fluid than necessary. And this is already a pathological violation of the natural process of sweating. In addition to constant discomfort, they’re often accompanied by diseases and unpleasant odours. An unpleasant odour arises solely due to the vital activity of microbes, which decompose organic substances on the surface of the skin.

There are two groups of methods for the excessive underarm sweating treatment. These are methods of external exposure to the skin (like antiperspirants, iontophoresis, botulinum toxins). The second group is surgical treatment. Using a combination of these methods, you can achieve good results in treatment.

Let’s have a look in detail – how to get rid of excessive sweating!

Table of Content

  • What Are Causes of Excessive Sweating?
  • Methods to Getting Rid of Excessive Sweating
  • Botox Injections
  • Antiperspirants
  • Iontophoresis
  • Laser Treatment
  • Surgical Intervention
  • Wrapping Up!

What Are Causes of Excessive Sweating?
Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is a pathology that is accompanied by excessive work of the sweat glands throughout the body or in some parts of it. In addition to disrupting normal daily activities, hyperhidrosis can cause social anxiety and embarrassment, because, in addition to unwanted sensations, this ailment is fraught with wet spots on clothes and an unpleasant smell. It spreads to the armpits, palms, feet, face and scalp.

Dermatologists most often consult patients with a primary form of pathology where it’s impossible to establish the cause. It’s believed that primary hyperhidrosis in 30-50% of patients is associated with hereditary factors. But the first symptoms may appear between the ages of 20-30. They’re provoked by chronic stress, hormonal changes and other reasons. The secondary form of increased armpit sweating is associated with the following conditions:

  • Excitability and high activity of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Endocrine pathologies, most often a state of hyperthyroidism, insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm, palpitations;
  • Some types of malignant and benign tumours;
  • Metabolic disorders and overweight;
  • Overdose or side effects of drugs that affect the autonomic nervous system.

It’s not always possible to determine the cause of heavy sweating. But it helps to effectively fight to sweat.

Methods to Getting Rid of Excessive Sweating
If there is strong sweating in men or women, the reasons for this phenomenon may indicate the presence of various diseases that must be excluded in the first place. Indeed, in the case when sweating is a symptom of the disease, no preventive measures, except for the direct treatment of the underlying disease, will help. For the prevention and detection of a possible illness, you should make an appointment with a general practitioner.

Medicine and cosmetology offer many ways to get rid of such unpleasant problems as increased sweating. Let’s consider the most common ones.

  • Botox Injections

Preparations containing botulinum toxin aren’t only used to eliminate wrinkles but are also quite effective in combating excessive sweating. Botox injections can get rid of the problem for 6-8 months. This method is considered the most rational and safe solution. But, in order to avoid side effects and exclude possible contraindications, it’s important to contact an experienced cosmetologist who has an appropriate license. The advantage of this type of treatment is the rapid achievement of the effect of dry skin. Botox is convenient for use on almost any part of the body, especially in exotic areas, such as hyperhidrosis of the perineal region.

  • Antiperspirants

The simplest solution to the problem of hyperhidrosis is the use of antiperspirants. Such agents, containing aluminium chloride hexahydrate, constrict the ducts of the sweat glands, which provokes a decrease in sweating. But you should understand that it’s not about the antiperspirant deodorants that are sold on the shelves of every cosmetic store. The dermatologists will suggest and guide you about antiperspirants to treat excessive sweating.

  • Iontophoresis

In the treatment of sweating of the palms and feet, iontophoresis has been used for a long time. Sweating goes away for 2 – 3 months. The technique provides for the impact on the upper layers of the human skin of a light electric current and drugs, which helps to reduce the activity of the sweat glands. Usually, the course of procedures lasts for several weeks. The disadvantage of this method is that it is time-consuming for patients. This type of treatment can’t be used in patients with sociopathology, in patients with an artificial pacemaker, in patients with large metal implants.

  • Laser Treatment

Laser treatment of hyperhidrosis is a minimally invasive and effective method that doesn’t require a recovery period. The rays destroy the walls of the sweat glands. Subsequently, the result can be achieved after one session. In addition, laser exposure contributes to the sterilization of the treated area, thereby eliminating the risk of infection.

  • Surgical Intervention

An operative solution for hyperhidrosis is resorted to if conservative treatment hasn’t brought the desired result. The most common type of surgery of this kind is called sympathectomy. Its task is to reduce the number of sympathetic nerve endings that provoke increased sweating. The operation is quite complicated, but it allows you to achieve an instant result.

Wrapping Up!

Sweat is a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, with hyperhidrosis, hygiene must be strictly observed. It’s necessary to do herbal baths for the feet and palms every day, wash in the shower several times, wipe with a wet towel, and use special hand cream.

Cosmetic deodorants will help to deal with the smell. Better to wear natural and breathable clothing and comfortable shoes with insertable insoles. In this case, it’s necessary to frequently change underwear, tights and socks. Alcohol, coffee, smoked meats, spicy and very hot dishes, onions, garlic and spices should be excluded from the daily diet.