Many clinics claim to give a 98% success rate. The claim seems obnoxious. We can confirm that it is just a marketing gimmick. However, the real success rate of FUR hair transplant is quite impressive. When you get a qualified doctor, you can achieve a minimum success rate of 80%. That means if you transplant 1000 grafts. More than 800 will heal and grow hair at the recipient site. The success rate is excellent since 80% is enough to cover the intended section.

To cover the recipient site well, the doctors extract more than enough grafts for the area. The extra grafts cover the loss since the transplant is not 100%. It is logical and straightforward that helps protect the grafts that fail to heal. 

Factors that Affect Survival Rate

Several factors affect the survival rate of hair grafts during FUE hair transplant. Some factors are long-term, while others depend on the doctor and the procedure. Below are the factors affecting hair graft survival rates. 

Doctor’s Skills and Experience

The hair transplant industry is booming. Thus, it is infiltrated with quack doctors. They are laying traps on unsuspecting patients by offering low prices. You would be lucky to have a successful hair transplant. If it’s done without injuries, the success rate would be low. 

You can check the doctor’s skills and experience with the government website. Also, you can ask the doctor for proof of certificates and endorsements. 

Hair surgeons undergo thorough training, They handle delicate pars, and a mistake can lead to nerve or blood vessel damage. Also, they are taught the methods to attract different kinds of follicles. Thus, skill and experience are vital for a successful FUE hair transplant. 

Patient’s Attitude

You have heard that what you think comes to pass. Hence, it’d help if you had a positive attitude when going for an FUE hair transplant. When you condition your mind that the process will be a success, then the body cells will work to achieve that. Thus, you will witness a high hair transplant success rate. 

Method of Graft Extraction

There are several ways you can extract hair follicles for an FUE hair transplant. It all hinges on the type of hair follicles on a patient. People from different races have different types of follicles. Caucasians have straight follicles, but they sprout out of the scalp at an angle. Other races have curved follicles. The curve depends on the race and the curl pattern that your hair forms. It makes Afro hair the most difficult to transplant. 

The correct method of extraction, depending on the follicle type, determines the survival rate. Follicles are delicate. They can break if you apply the wrong way of extraction. This can lead to a low hair transplant success rate. 

Graft Preservation Before FUE Hair Transplant

Hair grafts must go through preservation before they are transplanted to the recipient site. The doctor should be quick to dip the grafts to the preserving reagent. Any delays deteriorate the health of the follicles. In the end, the process gives you a low success rate. 

The Health of Hair Follicles

Your hair care routine determines the health of your hair and scalp- A sick scalp will produce weak hair. Even the follicles will lack nutrients. Thus, or hair will be prone to breaking and shedding. 

When you schedule a hair transplant, adopt a healthy haircare routine. It will heal your scalp and follicles in preparation for the transplant. 

Underlying Medical Condition 

Hair loss is commonly a sign of an underlying condition. Check with your doctor on the possible cause and treat the disease. The process may lead to hair regrowth. However, there are cases that the hair loss is so severe that it can’t regrow. Thus, you will need to apply other methods to aid hair regrowth. Hair transplant is the best hair regrowth method available. 

Why is Survival Rate Important?

FUE hair transplant is expensive. Thus, every patient expects to get value for their money. Hair transplant is charged per graft. Therefore, when the survival rate yields 50% results, you pay more for unsatisfactory results. For instance, if you need 2000 grafts to cover your recipient site, a clinic that guarantees a 90% success rate will transplant 2200 grafts only. But for a clinic that gets a 50% success rate, they will need more than 3500 grafts. Then the grafts that will survive will be around 1750. The number is lower than the required grafts for the area. 

A high survival rate will help you maintain more hair at the donor site. Thus, you do not tamper with the hair density at the donor site. It would be awkward to give patches at the back of your head just because you sacrificed hair for the bald patches at the front of the center of your head. 


FUE hair transplant tare is impressive. If you take care of your scalp and immunity, you are likely to increase the success rate. Also, the doctor’s skills and how they handle the grafts play a vital role in the success rate. Thus, it would be wise to do due diligence before selecting a clinic and a doctor. A great doctor, proper skills, and excellent preparations can yield over 90% success rate.