New year, new possibilities, especially in web design . With technology advancing at an unprecedented rate, the design possibilities seem limitless for the year ahead. What do I think we’ll see, in terms of design? Here are my predictions for the top five web design trends in 2022:

Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Progressive web apps combine the advantages of web and mobile apps. Think of it as a website built using web technologies (ie HTML, CSS, etc.) but which acts and feels like an application. Since progressive web apps are technically a website, there is no need to go through digital delivery systems like the Apple App Store in Google Play, making them easy to deploy and distribute.

The main advantages of PWAs are:

Progressive – Works for every user, regardless of browser choice, using the principles of progressive improvement.
Reagents – Adapt to any type of format: desktop, mobile, tablet, or any other format to come.
Faster after initial load – After the initial load is complete, there is no need to re-download the same content and page elements every time.
Regular websites often already use the browser cache to avoid redownloading the same data redundantly. But on progressive web apps, the same items don’t need to be reloaded again.
Independence of connectivity – Service workers enable uses offline or over low-quality networks.
App-like – User feels like they’re in an app with app-like interactions and navigation.
Timeliness – Always up to date through the service worker update process.
The term “progressive web app” was coined in 2015, and in 2019, an increasing number of businesses are using progressive web apps to distribute their services and content, including Twitter, Pinterest, Trivago, Tinder, and more. As the barriers to entry for setting up PWAs decrease, one can only expect more businesses to publish theirs.

Web design for accessibility

Over the past year, much more attention has been paid to designing experiences that are accessible to as many users as possible. Microsoft championed this movement, by coining the term “  Inclusive Design ”, using this definition:

“Inclusive design is a methodology, born from digital environments, which enables and draws inspiration from all human diversity. Above all, it means including and learning from people with different perspectives ”.

To design accessible experiences, you need to keep these things in mind:

  • Think carefully about your audience – think about who is included and who is excluded.
  • Make sure that your interface provides a comparable experience for everyone so that people can accomplish tasks in a way that suits their needs without compromising the quality of the content.
  • There are basic principles to follow to ensure that as many people as possible have the best possible experience.

Trendy web design: dark and light fashion

The ability to switch from dark mode to light mode has long been available on macOS, and with Windows 10, for PC users as well. Personally, I tend to use dark mode because it’s easier on the eyes for long periods of time, and I go dark mode on my iPad for the sake of my sleeping wife. This ability to switch between modes also applies to your web browser, on Chrome or Safari, and yet this mode has not affected the general style of the current website. There is a way on Google Chrome to force any website to go dark, but increasingly that won’t be necessary.

The web developers are now working with toolboxes and standards, both Safari on Chrome, which allow your browser to detect the mode (light or dark) that you use on your operating system, and change the scheme colors of the website to react accordingly. It will be up to the web designers to decide whether they want to enable this feature on their site and how best to adopt a style that works for both. There are a number of guides and tips on how to design in a dark mode that can help designers and developers take advantage of this new possibility, and let users decide for themselves what they prefer.

Oversized types and large elements

Website Designing in Lahore, especially for big brands, favor large, prominent elements – from oversized typography to full-screen images, usually a combination of the two. Such elements make a bold brand statement, grab the user’s attention and help them understand the content of the site.

For this approach to work, a minimalist approach is needed. Reducing the content to a single image (or video) + short title results in a clearer message, and a cleaner experience. Less is more, but make a big statement!

Illustration as a brand personality

Rather than relying on stock images or generic photos, brands use bespoke illustrations to convey their personality. My favorite example of using these illustrations is the 404 Not Found page.

The key to the successful use of illustrations is their uniqueness and consistency. If you have the budget, hire an artist whose work fits well with your brand vision – dribble and other artist portfolio sites are a good way to find them. If you don’t have the time or budget to commission an artist, there is a plethora of vector art libraries on sites like istock or Getty images. You just need to find a collection that has a good number of illustrations to meet your needs.