The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is a standardized test created and administered by the Educational Testing Service or ETS, that is designed to measure overall academic readiness for graduate school. Most universities lay importance on a good GRE score. So, if you’re confused about what is a good GRE score or what is the highest GRE score? You should go through this Blog.

In this Blog, we will discuss GRE scores. We will cover all that you need to know about the test and its scoring method from what is a good GRE score to the GRE score range for top universities.

To begin with, here is a brief overview of how the GRE scores are divided into three exam sections — Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment.

GRE Score Range

The GRE score ranges from 130 to 170 for the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections. On the other hand, The Analytical Writing Assessment, has a score range of 1 to 6.Therefore, the minimum Analytical Writing Assessment score required in GRE lies in between the range 1-6. While the Analytical Writing increases by a half-point increments, the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning scores increase by one-point increments.

GRE Section GRE Score Range Points on scale
Verbal Reasoning 130 – 170 1 Point Increments
Quantitative Reasoning 130 – 170 1 Point Increments
Analytical Writing Assessment 0 – 6 0.5 Point Increments
Total Score 260-340  


GRE Percentile Ranking

The GRE scores are also calculated by converting them into percentile ranks. Percentile ranking signifies how you have ranked in comparison to the other candidates. Your percentile rank would be 99 if your GRE score is 170 in each of the components (Verbal and Quant). This tells that you have performed better than 99 aspirants who have taken the test. Likewise, your percentile rank would be 96 if your score is 165 in each of the components,

What is a Good GRE Score?

As we’ve already seen, when it comes to GRE scores, the definition of “good” varies from university to university, program type to program type, and applicant to applicant. It also differs depending on the course of your choice. However, there is a general score range that is considered “good”. To make you understand a table is formulated for you.

Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning

Score Range Percentile Rank Performance
320 – 340 85 – 99 Excellent
300 –320 50 – 55 Good
280 – 300 40 – 50 Average
Below 260 30 – 40 Poor

Analytical Writing

Score Range Percentile Rank Performance
5.0 – 6.0    92 – 99 Excellent
4.5 – 5.0 80 – 92 Good
3.5 – 4.5 38 – 80 Average
2.0 – 3.5 1 – 38 Poor


Understanding this table will not only help simplify your preparation process but also provide you clarity when you set your target score.


GRE Score Card

After completing the GRE exam, you will receive a GRE scorecard. The scorecard is also directly sent to the institutions you will personally approve. The scorecard consists of the following details, according to ETS.

  • Contact Information
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Intended Graduate Major
  • GRE Test Scores and respective percentile ranks
  • Authorized recipients

The scorecard will only include your contact information, your intended course, and the GRE test scores. It will not provide any personal information to the institutions. It is important to remember that the GRE score is valid for five years.


GRE Score Calculator

The GRE Raw score can be roughly calculated based on the questions you’ve gotten right. The GRE Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning comprises 40 questions each. So, the highest raw score would be 40, if you get every single question right. Raw scores are then converted, or scaled, to the score range of 130 to 170,section-wise GRE lowest and highest score, Respectively. The conversion takes place based on the difficulty rate of each question. GRE being an adaptive test, so, the difficulty level increases with each section.

For Instance, You are likely to score 160 in the section out of 270 if you manage to get 30 questions right in Verbal Reasoning.


In this Blog you got a comprehensive overview of what qualifies as a good GRE score, what comprises a GRE score card. Once you familiarize yourself with the GRE scoring scheme then you can prepare and plan your test accordingly, it is only a matter of strategic planning before you ace the test.