27 Jul 2024

Category: Education


Retrieval Practice with First Graders (6-7 years) 

Retrieval practice can be effectively integrated into first-grade classrooms (ages 6-7) to enhance learning and retention. This is one of the crucial aspects of International schools. Here are some practical strategies and considerations.  Flashcards and Memory Games Flashcards: Create simple flashcards with pictures and words…


Beginner’s Guide to Learning Germa 

Are you starting your journey with German? Let’s dive into some essential phrases and greetings to get you started. These basics will help you navigate everyday conversations and make a great first impression. 1. Greetings and Farewells: Hello! – Hello! Guten Morgen! – Good morning!…


Kindergarten School Guide in Singapore 

Kindergarten, a term coined by German educator Friedrich Froebel, reflects the idea that students are like budding plants, and teachers are gardeners who provide the care and nurturing needed for these young minds to grow and reach their full potential. In Singapore, children typically gain…