26 Apr 2024

Category: Games


The Extremes on Online Games 

  With the advent of the internet, more and more opportunities have come up in many areas such as finance, fashion, marketing, business, design as well as entertainment. In the entertainment sector, not only has it helped media marketing, it has also helped the gaming…

Games, Technology

What exactly is Metaverse Gaming? 

Gaming is a movement wherein a player utilises an information gadget to communicate with computerised parts to produce visual input. Using the Metaverse ecosystem, Metaverse Gaming is the next generation of immersive gaming that combines social networking with financial opportunities. Customers enter this three-layered virtual…


LoL Smurf Account: How to Spot and having 

If you’re an avid League of Legends (LoL) player, you’ve probably come across smurf accounts in the game. A smurf account is a low-level alternate account belonging to a skilled summoner with a high-level main account. To prevent other players from recognizing them, they made…