Teaching manners to your pre-schooler is a hard task, they observe everything their parents say and follow them. The perfect way to teach manners to your pre-schoolers is to allow them to learn from you and you need to a role model. 

Good manners are significant from early childhood. It is essential to teach them right from early childhood so that they turn up to be well-manned individuals. Also, follow our recent article on tiffa scan procedure

  1. Eating Habits

Make a family routine to eat the meal together at the dining table. Everyone sat up without leaning on the table and enjoy the food.  Chewing with the mouth closed. Gently point out whenever she forgets to close her mouth by making a secret gesture. This will avoid embarrassment in front of other family members and guest. 

Maintain a practice that everyone is eating the same food. If your child refuses to eat something explain the importance of that meal and offer a reward to encourage the child  Always practice washing hands before and after eating each meal. 

  1. Dental hygiene and care

Brushing teeth twice a day should be followed by every family member daily. You can make use of books to teach the importance of brushing teeth.

  1. Take a bath every day

A good bath every day is essential, it is hygienic as well as a good way to look clean and fresh. You can boost the habit by complimenting them that they look fresh and clean when they bath and dress up. Teach the child the importance of clipping nails makes it a weekly routine. 

  1. Washing your hands and feet after using the toilet

Hygenic toilet habits are essential to keep the germs at bay. It is must to teach them to wash hands and feet once you toilet trains your preschooler. You can make use of attractively shaped soaps to encourage washing hands after every toilet use. 

  1. Indulging in outdoor play

Plan fun outdoor activities and play date with your children’s friend. Allow them to explore nature, outside world by allowing them to play. 

        6.Greeting people when you meet

A smile along with a polite greeting is a beautiful gesture when you meet someone. Teach the same to your pre-schooler.

  1. Help clean up after mealtime

Include the entire family and assign responsibilities to each member and also include the child in the cleaning activity.

  1. Keeping their room clean

Assign a cleaning routine to clean their room and stick to it. Appreciate them that they have done a good job. It will work as a great motivation for the little one. The best way to teach responsibility is to share work with a little one and make it a routine task

  1. Sleep on time

A night of good sleep is very crucial to stay healthy and for development. You can schedule a sleep routine by creating a bedtime story. 

  1. Do not litter

Teach your child to look for a dustbin to throw in it, even when you are on a picnic always use a trash bag.

  1. Sharing 

Teach sharing with your family members. Also,  make them understand the difference between genuine sharing and over-sharing. Appreciate the child when they share, this will encourage them.

  1. Reading Everyday

Books are a friend for a lifetime. You can schedule a reading task each day, observe the books that the child enjoys and make it more interesting to them.

  1. Treat everyone with respect

The best way to teach respect is to be a role model for your kid. Talk politely with everyone, treat everyone equally, do not tease and avoid rude behaviour. Never raise your voice and correct the little one when they raise their voice. If your child talks back or yell, talk to them politely and ask about the issue. 

  1. Be kind to pets, birds, and animals

Buying stuffed animals can be a great way to teach the child about the birds and animals. It is the best way to teach them to love animals and pets.

  1. Wake up early and exercise

Motivate your child to wake up early it can be for cycling, walk swimming or exercising. Make the activity fun for your little one.

These little habits are essential in shaping your child into good-mannered individuals.