While most of us await the night to unwind and relax, some who suffer sleeplessness may dread it. What may seem like a common problem, if left unchecked, can turn into something as depleting as insomnia. Statistics reveal that a single night of poor sleep can decrease our productivity the following day. Imagine the perils it impedes if it continues.


For years, sleeping aids and anesthetics seemed the only solution to such problems. Nonetheless, their ill-effects have been a cause of concern for many. However, the advent of cannabis in the medical world flipped the entire situation, with masses yearning to find a natural alternative.  


Several indicative studies signify the practical use of the herb in healing and curing insomnia. Let us find out the three best ways cannabis can help you sleep better. 

woman laying on bed

Source: Unsplash.com


  1. It Can Balance Your Sleep-wake cycle 

For centuries, scientists have compared the human body to machinery that works in specific patterns. The primary concern among insomnia patients is usually the inconsistency in the sleep-wake cycle. The two are interdependent, as improper sleep hours extend the wakeful state and vice-versa. A sleepless night naturally causes lethargy and fatigue during the day. Interestingly, Cannabis has a combination of cannabinoids that work coherently to restore healthy sleep cycles. While the THC can help infuse wakeful energy, CBD, another cannabinoid, can relax the mind into a peaceful slumber. A user can alternate the CBD-THC ratio to manage both cycles. 


  1. It May Work On The Root-causes

People who have known sleepless nights understand what torment it could be. Mood swings, depression, and psychological disorders can both be the cause and result of the conditions. The intertwining condition makes the treatment more complicated. Prescribing sleeping pills is the most generic treatment to handle such conditions. Several anecdotal studies indicate that the CBD compound in cannabis can help manage stress and anxiety. Therefore, it can often help keep restless thoughts at bay. Studies conducted on the psychological effect of CBD show that it can increase gamma-aminobutyric amino acid production, a neurotransmitter that modulates the brain excitability. Subsequently, you can use CBD gummies for sleep as an enhancer to foster deep mental and physical relaxation.

  1. It Can Enforce Homeostatic Balance 

Cannabis has a strong affinity for the innate human endocannabinoid system. Various cannabinoids in it, specifically THC integrates well with the cannabinoid receptors to upregulate homeostatic functions in our central nervous system. The regulatory effect of cannabis also brings changes to hormonal health. It can also help change the body’s response to stress, mood, sleep, appetite, inflammation, and anxiety. CBD in cannabis also interacts with various receptors located in the brain to stimulate dopamine absorption. Together, CBD and THC can bring a series of therapeutic benefits functions that could subside insomnia. 


The Bottom Line

Several online testimonials glorify cannabis use in dealing with sleeping troubles. Many pieces of research are also in line with the claims. Cannabis is presently enjoying a legalization shift in many parts of the world. Soon we may see cannabis going mainstream. With responsible administration, cannabis is nothing less than a blessing.