Planning to buy a bean to cup coffee machine for office use? If yes, then make sure you prevent the impulsive buyer in you to get in the way. Do not head to the mall or contact a supplier instantly. Instead, plan the purchase carefully to get what you pay for.

Think of the reasons why you are adding such a coffee machine into your office pantry—convenience, save employees’ time, quality, and so on. These reasons should inspire you in getting the best for your company’s break room.

Aside from the above, you must also consider various factors before making the purchase. We have listed below five of the things you should check on bean to cup coffee machines.


First things first: choose a machine that suits your budget. Be realistic on what you can afford and do not go overboard the budget.

Spending more than you can commit to would require you to adjust your budget allocation on company resources. While a coffee machine is a piece of vital office equipment, there are more important things (i.e. projects, tools, etc.) that require funds.

Contrariwise, low-cost options have a difference in quality and functionality. Some low-priced coffee equipment lacks a few important features as compared to the expensive ones.

The best thing to do is to weigh your options. Determine what features and functionalities you want for a coffee machine, then pick one that is neither too expensive nor too cheap.


Perhaps, you are opting for a bean to cup coffee machine because it can make good-tasting coffee from fresh coffee beans quick.

If we got it right, then ensure that multi-cup brewing and speed are listed on your checklist. Research on different brands online and compare how quickly the coffee maker can brew a cup of coffee. However, it is recommended to try it personally so you would know which brand is making false speed claims.

Testing the speed would not be a big problem because most coffee machines suppliers offer a free trial of their products. Some even let you keep the commercial coffee machine at the end of the free trial period as long as you purchase the related beverage supplies from them.


When buying a coffee machine, it is also important that you consider the ease of usage. Not everyone has the same technical skills, so selecting a less complicated machine will be a perfect choice.

Bean to cup coffee machines grind and pour coffee automatically. That means anyone in your office can enjoy high-quality coffee with no hassle. This convenience factor should not be taken for granted as it can have a direct impact on employees’ productivity and morale.

That is why you have to take the convenient features like built-in grinder into account. Such functionality eliminates the idea of going through the long process of grinding coffee beans and transferring them to the machine.


Do not confuse usability with functionality. The former refers to the ease of use while the latter verifies that the product works as intended.

To examine the functionality of a bean to cup coffee machine, you must look into the user settings. Check whether your preferred coffee maker comes with pre-programmed coffee preferences that you can choose from.

Some coffee makers allow you to choose your setting for various aspects such as grind levels, milk level, temperature, and volume. Going for this type would please your employees for they can live the barista life even for a few minutes.

Ease of Cleaning

It is not enough for a coffee machine to serve a purpose; it must also be easy to clean. The ease of cleaning factor should be given its deserved attention because a clean one ensures efficient operation.

If a coffee maker is difficult and takes a long time to clean, users will be less likely to take the initiative to do it. Chances are, they would rather not drink a freshly brewed coffee than detaching several coffee maker parts to clean them.

Avoid the above scenario by choosing a coffee machine with an auto-clean function. This self-cleaning function will keep your machine running smoothly with just a single touch of a button. However, there would still be a little manual effort like cleaning the filter.

Choose Wisely

Bean to cup coffee machines are among the convenient coffee makers. So if you are serious about adding it to your office break room, make sure that you pick one that not only meets your budget but also boasts of fast brewing, usability, functionality, and ease of cleaning.