Gut microbiome testing is a growingly popular and technologically advanced method for health diagnosis and treatment. As an evidence-based form of alternative medicine, gut microbiome testing is most commonly performed on patients with dietary concerns, digestion problems and other bowel movement complications.

To learn more about gut microbiome testing, it is important to first understand the gut microbiome and its functionality in the human body.

The gut microbiome is located in the lower intestine and consists of billions of microorganisms and bacteria. Containing between 300 to 500 different types of bacteria, the gut microbiome has an integral role in the human body to maintain healthy function as well as improve physical health.

When the gut microbiome runs into problems, both mild and serious health complications may occur. Illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome may arise as gastrointestinal conditions, as well as type 2 diabetes and atopy. However, not all such internal complications may be a result of problems in the gut microbiome. Hence, the best way to determine the origins of the issues and consider the gut microbiome’s involvement is through gut microbiome testing.

Gut microbiome testing is an evidence-based tool designed to identify potential health concerns in their patients’ microbiome community. It investigates the many microorganisms living in the lower intestine and how they are positively or negatively affecting the patients’ overall health and wellbeing (both mentally and physically).

Gut microbiome testing can be used to identify problems within the gut as well as help healthcare practitioners determine any dietary suggestions to improve their patients’ health. In the case that there are more serious underlying health complications as well, gut microbiome testing may be able to identify their root causes.

If you are looking to undergo gut microbiome testing, be sure to first research and attend a consultation at a qualified health clinic. You can find gut microbiome testing services at your local alternative medicine health clinic.