All you need to know about a fake scalp wig!

Wigs are becoming popular and getting a lot more attention among women but especially in African American women. Recently, there is a new type of wig known as the fake scalp wig, which has become a big trend because it is very natural and soft and breathable, which has attracted more attention. What is a fake scalp wig and what are its functions? Today, we share with you everything you can know about a fake scalp wig.

What is a fake scalp wig?

Fake scalp wigs that have a built-in fake scalp. With this fake scalp head wig or fake bald wig, you do not need to wear a wig cap to make rows of corn to make bald or fake heads. The artificial scalp method is perfectly adapted to the whitened knots to achieve the most natural separation from the skin.

The kriyya is pre-cut to be natural; the elastic headband is also pre-cut to make the wig safer. So you can style your hair like yours and detach in any direction. This is the last wig that you can put on your head and walk right out the door. So you can style your hair like yours and separate it in any direction. We offer straight, wavy, and curly wigs for your scalp. Natural tan is the most popular and classic colour for any skin shade. Come and buy the long-awaited fake scalp wig.

Why and when choose a fake scalp wig?

A fake scalp lace wig is different from conventional wigs in that it doesn’t need whitening. The wig is like hair that grows on your head and naturally adapts to your skin. Natural pre-designed hairlines with invisible knots that resemble your skin, without a hooded wig, without tonal cream, and glue, more suitable for everyone. You can do any hairstyle, ponytail, braid, or bun. But conventional wigs, can’t do all these hairstyles.

Adjustable straps and clips hold the wig tightly on your head.

When do we need a fake scalp lace wig?

When you do not want to wear an extra hooded wig between the wig and your natural hair. Or if you prefer to take off your wig every night, it is more comfortable than wearing a wig and hood. According to hair experts on YouTube, a fake scalp wig is effective, especially for those who suffer from the appearance of some wig disguises: unnatural hairline, the tip without a belt.

How to install a fake scalp wig for beginners?

Step 1: Put the natural hair in the braids and put it in an appropriate base so that it doesn’t look bulky.

Step 2: Cut the tip-off with a zigzag so that it matches your hairline. Be careful not to cut your hair as it may fall out. If the wig is new to you, this step can be done on the dummy to avoid damaging the wig. If you do not know how to cut the tip, click here to see the detailed steps.

Step 3: 3 ways to fix a glue-free wig

The first synthesis of foam only. Just move the mouse over the edge of the wig to melt it. Then, when you have time, put a rag on your head to make it smoother, and let it rest longer if you have time. Form children’s hair on the head of the dummy to cover the tip. Yes, if you love children’s hair, you know that this is an invisible feature: cover the hairline to create a more natural look. Just use water and mouse to place your child’s hair on the dummy and then hit him on the head.

Do not turn the ear area upside down, but use an elastic band to flatten the front of the doll. For most people, this is the easiest and most common method. The wig has a removable, adjustable elastic band and four combs. So just put it in the right place and the elastic band will hold the tip well and it will not swell.

If you wear a wig without glue, not only can you take it off every day or night when you cannot sleep with the wig, but you can also put it back when you are done. Also, protect your natural hair from damage caused by glue.

Step 4: Wig design. You can pet the wig flat or roll the wig to get the look you want. For a fake wig hair styling, just cut out the end of the wig.

Keep the fake Scalp wig away from children

This product should be kept away from children under the age of 8 because children have the habit of putting objects in their mouths and fake scalp wig is very dangerous for little kids.

Afsisterwig - Nia | Diamond Fake Scalp 13X6 Human Hair Lace Front Wig |  Curly

Note: For more queries about any wig feel free to contact us.