One way to feel masculine is to have a full beard. Not every man gets this naturally. Some are content with their beard, but some look for ways to make the beard look fuller. Beard hair transplant is one way to make the beard fuller. The method is permanent, unlike other methods in the market.
When you are thinking of a beard transplant, you should research the methods available. Also, you should know what method is best and what is effective. Familiarize yourself with the advantages and possible side effects. Here are the best treatments for beard hair transplant as well as the side effects involved.

The Methods for Beard Hair Transplant

There are two methods for beard hair transplant. They are similar to the hair transplant method. Both methods are medical- they need a qualified doctor to perform the surgery. The first method is the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), and the second one is the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT.) Let us look deeper into the methods and their side effects. 

Follicular Unit Extraction

FUE is the most preferred method for beard hair transplant. It involves extracting one follicle at a time. When the doctor has \harvested enough grafts, he then transplants them on the beard area. 

Before starting the process, the doctor outlines the design of the beard. He then carefully fix the grafts within the outline. This method’s most significant advantage is that it has minimal bleeding chances and leaves no scar at the donor site.
It takes you three to five hours to complete the process. You will need local anesthesia to prevent any pain- actually, the method is painless. But human psychology can make you feel some non-existent pain. The doctor can perform the surgery manually. This method takes time since he needs super concentration. Also, the experience of the doctor determines the speed of the procedure. Alternatively, the doctor can use a robotic machine to extract and translate the grafts. The machine makes the process quicker.

Advantages of FUE Beard Hair Transplant

  • You will have no linear at the donor area.
  • The donor and recipient areas recover in a short time.
  • You return to your normal activities after a few days.
  • You experience no discomfort.
  • There is little to no bleeding at the donor and recipient area.
  • The tiny scars at the donor area are like small dots- they are unnoticeable.

Side Effects of FUE Beard Hair Transplant

  • If you skip taking care of your scalp and beard after surgery, you expose yourself to bacterial infections.
  • You can suffer from post-anesthesia effects, which may include dizziness, numbness, or even losing consciousness. 
  • You can feel irritation or itchiness on the scalp the first two days after the surgery.
  • Your face will swell and become sore for about two to three days.
  • You will feel tightness on the face- sometimes due to the temporary swelling before healing begins. 

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

There are a few differences between the FUT and FUE transplant methods. First, the method of extraction of grafts is a major difference. In the FUT method, the doctor harvests the grafts in strips of follicles. This leaves the donor area with some linear scars. Thus, the most preferred area for graft harvesting is at the back of your head. The doctor then separates the strips into individual follicles before they transplant them to the beard area. The other process of the surgery is similar to that of FUE. However, with this method, you cannot harvest the graft using the robotic machine. But you can plant the grafts using the machine. 

Advantages of FUT Beard Hair Transplant

  • It is a quicker process compared to the FUE method.
  • It takes a short time to harvest a significant amount of hair.

Side effects of FUT

  • You are left with a permanent scar mark in the donor area.
  • You are at a higher risk of infections due to the wound in the donor area. 
  • You are likely to experience bleeding during and after the surgery.
  • You experience some post-anesthesia effects such as dizziness, numbness, and fainting. 
  • You may experience scabbing and crusting on the face.
  • You will have some redness and experience swelling on the face for the first three days after the surgery.
  • You will have a swollen face for a few days. 
  • You will experience some pain in the donor area before the area heals.


There are four methods of facial hair restoration. However, the two listed above are the best treatment for men. They are the least painful and most effective methods for beard transplant. Also, the hair on the head has a similar texture to the beard hair.