One of the most common questions that people ask about crystals is the best healing stones for stress and anxiety.

If you are also to turning to healing crystals to get rid of your inner demons and anxieties, then you are not alone. Thankfully, there are hundreds of crystals and healing stones out there that can act as tools for helping you deal with stress. However, there are a few favourites that are guaranteed to help you help you with stress in a positive way,

So if you are looking to purchase stones for anxiety, then here are some that you can choose from.


Also known as “the stone of peace,” sodalite is believed to help you stay calm and ease your mind from panic attacks. It also helps you fight anxiety in positive manner. All you need to do is carry this royal blue healing stone in your purse or pocket to allow its energies to work on you. Additionally, it also helps you from becoming overly emotional that can hamper your ability to think logically. Are you struggling to express yourself? If the answer is yes, then sodalite is believed to instil in you a sense of self-confidence as well as help you in expressing yourself so that you can clearly share your ideas and thoughts with others.


If your objective is to attain true spiritual wellness, then you can rely on kyanite and its powerful ability to make you feel more confident. This stone is often used in meditation because its powdery blue gem is believed to align your body’s chakras to allow natural healing. The spiritual vibrations emanating from these stones can help you release all unwanted feelings such as anger, fear, and frustration that can help you connect with higher wisdom. The beauty of using this stone is that it eliminates all negative energy and is one of the few crystals that doesn’t need to be cleansed. Therefore, it is one less thing to worry about when you are trying to get rid of all worries!


One of the biggest reasons for stress and anxiety can be attributed to lack of sleep. If you are experiencing problems in falling asleep, then you can tuck this energy stone underneath your pillow and let its calming energies help treat your insomnia. This is especially important when the root cause of sleeplessness is an overactive mind. Howlite teaches you to be patient, wise, and even helps you resolve anger. Just put it in your pocket for it to absorb all negative energy, such as anger and anxiety.


If you are feeling anxiety after being a new mother, then this stone is for you! Motherhood has often been linked to postpartum depression that happens soon after a mother gives birth to a child. This can last from a couple of hours to months and can often lead to more serious conditions if not handled at the right time. The best way to handle anxiety caused as a result of motherhood is to use the moonstone. This creamy white pure stone is a powerful crystal that helps in balancing the female hormones and also works wonders on relieving stress. Furthermore, it also helps you in meditating that also in turn works towards fighting anxiety.

Rose quartz

The best way to get over the feeling of depression and stress is by increasing self-love and by strengthening the foundation of personal power. Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love that is said to inspire all forms of love, even self-love. This is how it helps in fighting the feeling of consternation by reminding you to care for yourself. You can keep a piece of rose quartz where you can see it. You can keep it by your nightstand, next to your bathtub, in the kitchen etc. Its smooth presence is a small reminder that you need to spend some time ‘me time’ in peace and breathe deeply while you are at it!

Himalayan Salt Rock

This cleansing pink Himalayan Salt Rock is believed to detox your body while removing all negative energy. The same stone is used to build the Himalayan Salt Lamps that purify your environment. As a result, you are able to fight depression more effectively and also feel a sense of calm from its soft glow. Moreover, this stone is filled with minerals that are our bodies require that helps ease mental tensions as well as muscle soreness. Sprinkle a bit of salt in your bath and allow its vibrations to release all emotional stress.

Now that you know which healing crystals and stones can help you fight anxiety, it is time to choose one from the list and welcome the power of positive energy in your life!