Every year I have to visit the local Walmart to but a brand new Garden hose from a garden Hose supplier. One old hose accidentally got left out in the winter season, while another hose got crushed when someone ran over it. We have to do a lot of the watering to the plants in the summer season, we need a functioning hose, but I have felt a bit bad for trashing the old and the damaged ones. So I thought to try and come up to some ideas to reuse the old and damaged the old garden hoses, and luckily for me, a bit of the internet research brought a lot of results! And I ended up with some ways to put up my old garden hoses to good use, and here are a few ways.

Protect your car

I have a two-car garage and it is big enough to fit an SUV and a truck, this tight squeeze means that I have to be careful when pulling into the garage when opening my car doors. And I have just discovered that a garden hose can help me in protecting my car from these hazards of my garage.

Use small screws to place a short length of the hose where your car doors may make contact. The hose would make a small cushion between your car and the wall, minimizing the damage.

Soaker Hose

You can easily turn an old hose into a soaker system to water your plants. Soaker hoses are more than efficient because unlike any traditional hoses, these deliver right to the base of the plants, which means that less water is wasted and your work has been done.

Create your soaker hose by using a small drill to make evenly spaced holes along with the hose. Screw the hose cap on the end of the hose, and attach the other end to the water source. Run the soaker system for 30 minutes a few times a week for deep watering for your garden.

Hang your tools

An old garden hose can help you in organizing your garage by getting the bigger tools off the ground. Hang a board on one of the walls in your garage. Then screw a short piece of the hose near one end, then make a loop big enough to accommodate the handle of the rake, broom, or shovel then screw the hose on the other end.