There is some confusion in Bangalore as to whether or not escort services fall under the same legal category as prostitution. Unfortunately, the term escort is often confused with a prostitute. However, the two terms are not interchangeable.

You can provide escort services and not be charged with a felony. Problems may arise if you provide sexual services as part of escort service in Bangalore. You could be charged with a crime of prostitution.

Escort services vs prostitution in Bangalore

Prostitution is a sex crime in Bangalore. A person who offers agrees to engage in or performs a paid sex act may be charged with prostitution. A sexual act is intercourse or any other act of sexual gratification involving the sexual organs.

A prostitute is a term commonly used to describe a person who offers to engage in sexual activity for a fee. A client (someone who pays for sexual activity) may also face prostitution charges. In addition, anyone who profits from the transaction may face charges of a sex crime.

Prostitution has a darker side and it is a class B offense, punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. In addition, those convicted of prostitution are tested for HIV.

On the other hand, escorts provide non-sexual services. Escort services can include escorting a person to an event, providing social companionship, or caring for a family member. If the escort engages in a sexual act or provides a paid sex act, the escort may be charged with prostitution.

Bangalore Defense Against Prostitution Charges

There are several defenses that may apply to prostitution charges in your case.

False accusations

Escorts are often wrongly accused of prostitution and arrested. Even if the escort is only providing non-sexual companionship or accompanying someone to an event or social event, the escort may be considered to be providing sexual favors.

If you do not intend to engage in sexual activity, you may not be convicted of prostitution. Even if you contacted an escort who offered sexual activity, you might not be convicted of prostitution if you can prove that you thought you were contacting an escort who offered non-sexual services.


The police often carry out “attacks” to shut down prostitution networks. An undercover police officer can pose as a client or a prostitute. An undercover police officer may instigate a person to engage in illegal activity in order to make an arrest.

However, it is illegal for a police officer to encourage someone to commit a crime. The prick operation must be carried out under strict guidelines in order to stand up in court. If you are the victim of entrapment, a prostitution charge may not stand in court.

Lack of evidence

There must be enough evidence that you broke the law for a court to find you guilty. When police arrest people, they often have little evidence of an actual crime. They may rely on obtaining a confession or other evidence during questioning.

Therefore, it is important to remain silent after an arrest. The onus is on the prosecution to prove that you are guilty of prostitution. Do not voluntarily give evidence against yourself to the prosecution.