Selling and buying articles online is a new norm, and there are many individuals who are preferred in Amazon Prime rather than visiting brick and motor stores. But the most challenging task among all the process form placing the order to delivery is the shipping process. Sending the articles from one point to another is an intimidating task. It is a nightmare for an online retailer to receive a call from the user and complain about the damaged articles. In such a scenario, no one is going to blame the middleman. The delivery of the package is not about transportation; it has to be secured. Keeping these things in mind, cardboard boxes are considered as efficient shipping material. 

Remember, anything is damaged during shipping; it will not only make the buyer angry, but you may lose a loyal customer. So, choosing the right material for the packaging and shipping is as essential as the product’s quality. 90% decision made by the customer about the quality is before opening the articles. The broken box means the items inside it of low quality. So the cardboard is the 1st choice of material when it comes to the shipping. Still, with little manufacturing modification, the same stuff can be utilized as transporting fragile and bulky items.

Here are some reasons why this paperboard material is best for logistic companies or retail boxes.

Cardboard boxes into Corrugated Packaging

Whenever you receive the articles, it comes in cardboard material. Sometimes this material is thick and has some flutes. The fluted custom cardboard packaging boxes are corrugated one. It is the waffled paper sheet that makes it different from the ordinary box.

There is a three-layer, inner layer, out layer of paperboard sheet, and a ruffled middle layer in corrugated packaging. As the number of flutes, layer increases, the strength of the box also increases. For shipping purposes, e-commerce stores use both types of boxes as per the requirement of the item.

Protective Packaging

What is the main worry of each of the buyers and sellers? It is to deliver and receive the articles safely at the destination. The cardboard packaging design with flutes is much more stable than the paperboard box. It offers a superior cushion for the items. Also, keeping the articles protected via constant handling and long-distance shipping.

The most common shipping boxes are the one, which has a flute layer present between the two cardboard sheets. So you can go for custom cardboard boxes depend upon the protection amount, durability, and thickness required.

For instance, fragile content such as chemical liquids, electronics items, and glass products remain protected and safe with corrugates type of cardboard package.

This custom cardboard packaging with a ruffle paper middle layer has an efficient tear-resistant that keeps the package intact and safe from exposure. For a product like food, which undergoes a long-distance transition and remains fresh until the time of delivery, the cardboard stuff is best. It is because the corrugated materials secure the article against moisture and humidity. For food, items, or fragile material, the paperboard material with little modification is best for shipping.

Cost-effective Shipping Material

Today every person is rushing towards the e-commerce store, but they are not willing to pay extra bucks for the packaging. Why is it so? It is because they think it is the seller’s responsibility to pay for the package in which they are delivering the articles. On the other hand, the retailers are looking for some martial that is not only secure but cost-effective. Keep in mind all the concerns they ended up in the cardboard packaging boxes and their types. These boxes are of lower prices and some of the less expensive cartons boxes available in the market. There are many reasons that make it most-pocket friendly stuff for package amongst others like

  • Low manufacturing cost
  • Reduce the cost of labor
  • No usage of expensive tools
  • Recycled Raw Material

Light in Weight

For shipping purposes, the package boxes with low weight are preferred, especially for long-distance shipping. If the packaging box weights more, it affects the article’s net cost, and the customer would not like to pay for it. It is wrong to say that weight doesn’t impact on the scales; it is. The logistics companies will charge you for the total weight of the products, including the box. So whatever thickness of container boxes you use for packaging, it does affect the item weight.

Thought the paperboard material is almost weightless, it is much easy to transport and carry from one point to another.

Cardboard Packaging and Printing

Whether it is the retail box or the shipping box, printing plays an essential role in shipping. It delivers all information about the articles packed insides it. Data like handling instruction is useful for a middle man to deliver the product at the doorstep. The paperboard and corrugated stuff are print-friendly, and printing on cardboard packaging boxes doesn’t charge much. The customization in sizes, strength, and print makes it the best option so far.

Cardboard the Efficient Material for Shipping

Then cardboard packaging boxes are the most efficient material for shipping. These cartons are not only cost-effective and but also offer the best protection against external factors. They are not only lightweight but also sturdy.