Getting a massage is a heavenly experience. It leaves you calm and relaxed and it very well may be the perfect culmination of a hectic day. There is a huge swath of massages out there, and few are on a par with the Asian massage given in an erotic massage parlour barcelona. The Asian erotic massage is the perfect kind of massage for you and your partner as it lets you both to discover your erogenous zones, while utilizing the standards of tantric massage and the legendary Kama Sutra.

Discovering Pleasure Zones

The typical principle of the Asian erotic couple massage Barcelona, is finding the zones of the body that give pleasure. Now, it is essential to call attention to that when we, talk about an Asian sensual couple massage, we are not discussing illegal massage parlors that can be found in many urban cities. This is a message that doesn’t engage in sexual relations to be included for it, but it will let you relax like no other massage can.

Follows Tantrik Techniques

There are countless books that have been printed on the concept of the Asian erotic massage and the origins of this tantric procedure goes back a thousand years in Asia, where it was frequently used as holistic medicine practice. The body was considered to be a life force by the  Southeast Asians, and one way to work with that life power was to contact the zones of the body, where the force was the most strong. Unsurprisingly, those zones were additionally deeply sexual regions and the masaje erotico Barcelona was born.

The Asian erotic massage is a lot of like a tantric massage in that it allows you to be put in a trance that is extraordinarily relaxing. Most people discover they appear to float not into sleep, yet into a waking sleep where they feel what is happening, however, are getting to practically another level of consciousness. This was the same way the Kama Sutra worked, letting people reach sexual rapture while simultaneously expanding their psyches and their spirits.

As with such a significant number of things in East Asia, the Asian erotic massage is more than a massage. It is a spiritual encounter that allows with aligning the Chi causing you to feel like you are moving to another plane of existence. With this message, you can come closer to your partner on a more profound level than you ever thought you could. It is a massage that is more than a massage. It gives you a trance-like experience, that you need to go through to genuinely believe.


You will require a firm, plane surface while executing the touches that should be exotic and warm so, to develop into a climax within your body; and to achieve a definitive harmony and delight during the session. While concentrating on your sexual points, you have to keep up the rhythm and be steady before letting yourself to experience the eventual energy.