Energy can’t be produced or destroyed, it can onluy be transformed or transferred from one form of energy to another, and this is what the “Law of Conservation of Energy” says.


Giving these facts, scientists have found a link between differents types of energy, due to the relation between them.

We have this way: mechanical energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, elastic energy, nuclear energy, chemical energy, thermal energy, light energy, sound energy, electrical energy, and many others.

There are at least sixteen different forms of energy known today, but the most popular ones are the ones listed above.

Relationship between the main forms of energy

I already mentioned that among these forms of energy we have groups that work together.

Mechanical, kinetic and potential energy

Let’s see a real life example:

When a rollercoaster moves up the hill, energy is used to overcome the gravity. We consume energy to move the rollercoaster up the hill, but at the same time, the rollercoaster gains potential energy when reaches the top of the hill.

When the coaster moves down the hill, has kinetic energy (the energy of movement).

In this case, the relationship between them is: Mechanical energy = Potential energy + Kinetic Energy.

Nuclear and electrical energy

Nuclear energy represents the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. During the fission nuclear reaction, we split a large atom of uranium or plutionum into two smaller atoms to release a large amount of energy.

Nuclear power plants use this type of nuclear reaction to produce electricity (electrical energy).

Chemical energy and other forms of energy

Chemical energy is the energy of chemical reactions. The chemical energy of a chemical substance can be transformed into other forms of energy.

As an example we have the internal cumbustion engine (which burns gasoline to produce mechanical energy), fireworks, batteries (which produce electrical energy), and so on.

Light energy

Light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation because it has electric mand magnetic fields vibrating back and forth very quickly.

Visible light is a part of this radiant energy that we can see with our own eyes.

Light energy is produced by light bulbs, fire, a lamp, etc.

Sound energy

Sound energy is a form of energy associated with the vibrations of matter, and is a type of wave that needs an object to travel through like air, water or another environment.

When somebody plays the guitar, the strings vibrate and cause waves that travel to our ears, and this way we hear the sound produced by the guitar.

Electrical energy

Electrical energy is produced by moving charges (ions), which is a form of kinetic energy. The faster the electric charges are moving, the more electrical energy they carry.

This type of energy is very common in almost every house because is used to power appliances, gadgets, light bulbs, etc.

When we use a solar panel we turn light energy into electrical energy using the photovoltaic effect.

A wind turbine uses the kinetic energy of the wind to spin the turbine, and the mechanical energy resulted is used to produce electrical energy by a generator.

There are several other forms of energy that are less common, but they do exist around us.

By being aware of the physical, chemical and mechanical processes specific to our world we can better understand the world we live in.