Email marketing is one of the most successful and trusted forms of communication in our time. Qualified and committed business people prefer and invest in the email campaign after a comprehensive analysis of an array of important things. They take note of the main attractions of the top email campaigns and begin a step to explore how to compare these campaigns in the successful way. They understand the overall importance of properly investing in one of the most suitable email marketing campaign. If you are a beginner to the latest email marketing campaigns and thinking about how to find and use the right email tools, then you are at the right place. You can also check spammer store. The following details guide you to make a well-informed decision towards the investment in the appropriate email marketing campaign.

Consider important things

There are many suggestions about how to compare the two or more email marketing campaigns with each other. You can go to the Reports tab and access the complete details about a list of all the email campaign reports in the top half of the window. You must choose all the reports you like to compare and hold down the Command key while choosing multiple email marketing campaigns.

Users of the email marketing campaign comparison view and charts get the absolute guidance to find the main attractions, benefits and drawbacks of the top email campaigns as planned. The email campaign comparison view shows users a complete comparison of key delivery metrics. However, the email campaign chart view shows the overall graphical comparison of the email opens and clicks.

Be conscious about the email campaigns’ effectiveness

Finding the overall effectiveness of the email marketing campaign is the first step to compare and narrow down a list of top email marketing campaigns. You can take note of different aspects of the email marketing campaigns and compare these campaigns in the professional way. This approach assists you to keep the email list health and boost up the return on investment in the email marketing campaign further. If you are aware of how to measure the email marketing campaign’s effectiveness, then you can start a step to be smart in your way for comparing a list of top email marketing campaigns. This is worthwhile to focus on the important metrics and analyze and enhance the email marketing as per your requirements.

Specialists in the email marketing sector use the best approaches to compare both standard and triggered email marketing campaigns. They choose the label to filter the particular campaigns, set the date range to filter to particular campaign metrics further and calculate the averages from all the sent email campaigns. They are very conscious about how to properly maintain the robust email marketing technique.

Email open rate

The email open rate is an important thing to consider while comparing the email marketing campaigns. The email open rate is the percentage of the email recipients opened the email. This metric is used to measure the effectiveness of the email campaign.   If your email subscribers open and read your emails, then you can ensure a good improvement in the email marketing as planned. You can calculate the email open rate every week by using the formula total opens / emails delivered. The main factors affecting the email open rate are the sender’s name and email subject line.

Click through rate

The click through rate is another leading factor to bear in mind while comparing the email campaigns. The email click-through rate is the percentage of the email recipients who clicked on the link inside the email. The main objective of the email marketing is to get the subscribers to click on the link inside the email content. You can calculate the email click through rate by using the formula total clicks / emails delivered. Significant things affect the email click through rate are the anchor text on the link, the location of the link on the content of the email, and the total number of times the links are included.

Unsubscribe rate

The unsubscribe rate is calculated using the formula total unsubscribers / emails delivered. This rate is affected by not having strong welcome series, infrequent or frequent emails, misleading subject lines, and “from” name of the email is not recognizable.