You have to keep in mind that changing the oil is one of the most important things you can do for the well-being of your car, as it helps the engine to perform better and allows it to behave smoothly and last for years.

change of oil and filters in a workshop can cost you from € 50 to € 120 , as you see a very wide margin that often raises suspicions. The oil change is somewhat simpler than it seems, so from we want to give you some guidelines so that if you want to save a few euros, you can change the oil in your car yourself.

First of all, you should know that old oil clogs critical parts of your vehicle and over time could cause a major engine failure, the repair of which could cost you a lot of money. It is undoubtedly one of the keys to car maintenance .

First of all, check your car manual to check how often you have to change the oil. The most normal thing is that it oscillates depending on the model and brand between 4,500-9,000 kilometers . It is important not to go over this interval , as the oil remains too viscous and would not perform its lubrication function well.

What I need?

  • Carafe of oil (in this article we explain how to choose the best oil for your car ).
  • Oil filter.
  • Magnetic screw for the crankcase (optional).
  • Fixed or adjustable wrench.

The steps you have to follow to change the oil are the following:

1. Precautions

Do not change the oil after using the car as the oil temperature can be very dangerous. The car oil is better to change it warm so you can start the car and 5 minutes later you can start with the operation.

2. Raise the car

In order for you to change the oil, it is necessary to raise the car, so the simplest thing is to place a couple of portable ramps on a raised surface. If you do not have access to one, with two jacks lifting the front of the vehicle from the sides, it is enough but always with caution. It is very important to set the parking brake, turn off the engine and leave the car in first gear. For your safety, put a wedge brake on the rear wheels.

3. Locate the crankcase screw

The next step once you make sure that the car is secure and stable is to slide under the car and locate the oil drain plug on the engine. Look at your car’s manual and you will know where the drain plug is located on your model, then place the oil collector just below.

4. Unscrew the screw

Make sure that the engine is not hot, then loosen the cap with a fixed wrench, or failing that, with a wrench until you can remove it by hand, and do not be scared by the amount of oil that will come out of the crankcase tank.

5. Change the filter

Next you have to change the oil filter so raise the hood, look at the car manual to locate it, take the new filter and lubricate the rubber seal with a thin layer of oil to help protect it.

6. Fill the engine with oil

Now comes the easiest part and that is to fill the oil tank that is located on the top of the engine. Confirm the oil capacity in the instruction manual and with the help of a funnel, pour the oil into the engine, but not all at once. Little by little and always checking the oil level.

7. Check the plugs

Make sure you have closed all the caps and check that nothing is dripping under the car. Remember that used oil is very toxic to the environment, so we recommend that you take it to a workshop for recycling.

Other tips

We recommend using a spanner instead of a spanner. It is possible that when using the latter, you damage the screw and then you cannot put it, or worse, remove it.

It would be interesting, at this point, to incorporate a magnetized screw. Debris accumulates in the lower area of ​​the engine. If they do circulate through the motor, depending on the size of the metal chips, it could cause serious problems. This magnetic crankcase plug will trap them and will not allow them to move through the circuits, so the oil will stay cleaner and your engine will always be in perfect condition.

With these simple steps you will have saved yourself money and you will have learned something that your car will thank you for.