Cash card also known as cash app card is a debit card from the cash app. A cash app card is a key to spend cash app balance like real money. Cash card gives you freedom from carrying cash for daily need. With a cash app card you can use cash app balance without worrying about technical glitches. You hear a lot about someone’s cash app transfer failed and they are disputing for their cash app refund, well not in this case when you use cash card you have immunity from cash app errors. Just swipe it and experience unlimited features of the cash app. Cash cards can easily be ordered at your doorstep and you can activate it all by yourself by following a few simple steps.

Step-1- Launch the Cash App on your Android or iPhone.

Step-2- Click on the dollar sign at the bottom of the screen. Tap the “order” button highlighted in green.

Step-3- You will be asked to choose a color for your card.

Step-4- Personalize your card by choosing to print a hashtag name on it. Also there is an option to choose not to print hashtag.

Step-5- Declare your first and last name you want to print on the card.

Step-6- Provide your date of birth.

Step-6 – Finally you need to fill up the last four digits of your social security number.

Step-8– You will see a confirmation message and then you need to tap on continue.

Once you placed your Cash App Card order, you need to wait at least 10 business days for it to be delivered.

Activate cash app card:

When you receive a cash app card, now you need to activate it. There are two methods to activate a cash app card, by scanning QR code on the cash app card or by using CVV and other details. You can use either one as per your convenience.


To activate a cash app card click on the cash card icon at the bottom of the screen. Now click the “activate cash card” button. Now scan QR code given on the cash card with a mobile camera. After successful scanning you will get a confirmation message and your card is ready to use.


To activate cash card with CVV follow the same process above to reach the “Activate cash card” button then tap on “Missing QR code” and then click “Use CVV instead”. Now fill CVV code, the expiration date on the card and your card is ready to use.