Personal beliefs form the basic beliefs and core values that depict your personality, that of others, and the world at large. They form your mental background, which tends to affect the world’s actions and experiences. The core belief functions mostly in guiding your daily behavior and takes care of the interaction with others. 

Basically, core beliefs are responsible for the overall outcomes of how we lead our lives. Core values are molded from the various experiences a person goes through both externally and internally. They include both active and passive learning, and surprisingly, most of these beliefs are formed from the communities we hail from and the churches.

Negative Core Beliefs

It is in human beings’ nature to think that we all live positively and have no negative beliefs, but we cannot understand what we have until we explore them. In many cases, these negative beliefs tend to hold back us from living better and joyful lives. Many cases, we tend to use terms like; I am not smart today, I feel like a loser or even worthless. Some of these terms depict the negative core beliefs we may have inside ourselves. On the other hand, using terms like life is not fair, and the world tends to work against me because of the negative core beliefs we have within ourselves. All these utterances tend to bring negativity in our lives, and we should purposely avoid them at all costs.

In overcoming these negative core beliefs, one needs to start questioning the negative beliefs and purpose to change why we feel this way. There also comes the need to evaluate the source and rethink it and understand that reality also changes in changing these beliefs.

Positive Core Beliefs

Positive beliefs are imperative in leading a better and happy life. These beliefs help us get the best out of ourselves, boosting our personal strengths, and maintaining it. Positive core beliefs tend to keep us on toes and centered as individuals. Using terms like I can, I love who I am; I will overcome this, build up better ways of life, and succeed in whatever we do at all times. However, positive core beliefs are not always about being positive but also the understanding that not all day will be good builds on our abilities. In the end, we tend to learn from experiences.

Identifying Your Core Beliefs

In understanding our individual’s core beliefs, it takes time for one to figure them out. By figuring them out, it means that there comes a time where one has to go through these beliefs one by one breaking them down and starting making a list that favors them. All of the energy at this point shifts to questioning ourselves why things are happening the way they do and what can be done to correct that, and in doing so, it ends up more positively as change can now be seen.

Impact of Negative Beliefs

Negative beliefs have more impacts on our lives in many different ways. For instance, emotionally, physically, and spiritually can be affected, and hence one faces challenges in exercising to one’s full potential. Another instance comes in when one tends to have trust issues; in the end, they act as a stumbling block to a great relationship. Having negative beliefs blocks the opportunities at hand. In the end, feeling inferiority comes on board and tends to separate one from the rest, which ends up ruining the current and future endeavors.

Hidden Form of Resistance

In our productive lives, we tend to deal with hidden forms of resistance every day unconsciously. This is because our core value tends to challenge our emotions, which, in the end, tends to relate to the self-disciplinary systems. For instance, procrastination is a form of resistance that tends to push things further rather than immediately. On the other hand, we prioritize and value certain things more than others hence leave out the need to explore everything in our daily activities.

Disproving Negative Core Beliefs

The only legit and viable way to do away with the negative core beliefs is to analyze and disprove them. In identifying the core beliefs, we understand their roots, and from there, we get the opportunity to understand and plan for an even or upcoming circumstance. However, no single experience should dictate one’s life unless we give room for it to happen. Therefore, positivity is the way to go as we believe that tomorrow will be better than today. In a nutshell, disproving the negative core beliefs starts at accepting your position and proposing to push forward.

Establishing Good Core Values, Belief and Controlling Content Consumption

Individuals tend to experience great fulfillment when one lives with their values and beliefs. For instance, your values and beliefs tend to dictate the content you are watching and the overall purpose. Content consumption impacts both negative and positive core beliefs.

There is a sense of being honest, passionate, and focusing on the good side of things in good core values and beliefs. Therefore, the whole process revolves around being better and challenging our beliefs and core values. Hence, it is imperative to monitor the type of content, belief, and core values we let ourselves into at any given time.