According to official data provided by Microsoft, the Word video writing program is used by over a billion users worldwide, so more than one in seven people use this editing program for work, study, or personal use.

Sometimes it happens that Word crashes while you are working on an open document, sometimes due to a crash of the program itself or of the computer’s operating system, forcing us to restart everything without having had the opportunity to save the work done. Have we worked for a long time without ever saving? All is lost, or maybe there is a glimmer of hope?

Fortunately, hope is the last to die and Word comes to our aid. The developers have integrated a function that allows you to recover all or part of the document even if no saving has been made.

If something like this has already happened, we will have noticed that the message “Recovered” is displayed the next time the program is started, by clicking on which you can get a list of the documents that have been modified since the last save.

It is possible to recover these files because Word automatically makes a temporary save of all open files. By default, this automatic saving takes place every 10 minutes, but it is possible to modify this value by bringing it to a lower number. These are temporary saves that will overwrite each time, therefore will not affect the memory capacity of the computer.

To reduce the saving times, simply open the “Options” window, go to the “Save” section and adjust the item relating to automatic saving by changing the number of minutes.

In addition to any crashes, it is possible that we are endangering our data, even involuntarily. Sometimes it happens that you are so satisfied with having completed a long job to turn everything off without remembering to save the document. For this reason, Microsoft developers have done their best to prevent this type of “human” danger as well, as well as those deriving from hardware malfunctions.

In the same “Save” menu, in which we have just set the time for automatic saving, there is also an item that we must not deactivate if we do not want to incur unnecessary risks: “Keep the last version saved automatically if you close without saving “.

In this case, unlike the previous case, Word will not report that it has recovered any unsaved files the next time it is opened. To recover it we have to click on “Settings”. Next to the “Manage versions” button, there is a list of previous versions of the file, including those relating to temporary saves, by clicking on which it will be possible to recover the latest available.

So, fortunately, the chances of recovering your precious work even after some unexpected events that seem to have given it up are very high. In exceptional cases, if the complete recovery of important files is impossible through the use of the Word functions, it is possible to make one last attempt by bringing the PC to a data recovery center, where expert staff can try to give new life to our unfortunate document.

So if you have any problems don’t hesitate to contact me !!!