As the number of road accidents is increasing in Australia, it has become important to know the best and reliable panel beater. Road accidents are always devastating and life-threatening making a huge impact on people’s lives as well as the car.  Cars are sometimes badly damaged in the accident and require essential repairing.

You’ll find innumerable panel beaters at every nook and corner, but choosing the right one can be a time-consuming and tricky task. To ensure that your car is repaired in the best possible manner and at an affordable rate, here are some factors to consider while choosing the best panel beater.

Good Reputation

When finding the best panel beater, it’s good to research about their reputation in the market. If a panel beater is in the industry for a number of years, he will have innumerable loyal customers.

You can even check out the customers’ reviews and feedback on Google and other social media platforms about their services. The next thing is what kind of certifications they have earned. Are they an authorized panel beater of any popular brand or manufacturer? You should also look at whether your preferred panel beaters have the latest and modern equipment or not.

The customer support should also be responsive and customer-friendly. You’ll come to know about their professionalism after connecting with the customer service agents.


As you are narrowing your search,  ask your prospective panel beater about the level of experience held by their team. As mentioned above, always check the level of certifications and qualifications displayed by the panel beaters. Choose a panel beater that is a member of various government and private organizations. The panel beater should be a member of the Australian Motor Body Repairers Association (AMBRA).

Don’t hand over your vehicle to someone who is not well-trained and experienced. Panel beaters having years of experience, know the right way to repair your car. You can rest assured that your vehicle is in safe hands.

Warranty Policy

Choosing the best panel beater for your vehicle can be a challenging task. The best workshop will have innumerable tools and equipment for comprehensive smash repairs. But, guarantee and warranty are far more important than tools and equipment.

The best panel beaters in the market will offer a lifetime warranty on their services. The warranty provided must also cover the replacement of the new parts.

All the warranty claims and policies should be written with the final invoice. Also, check whether the warranty offered by the panel beater is genuine or not. You can check the warranty policy by asking for customer referrals. If the panel beater offers customer referrals, it means that he is confident about the services.


A good and reliable panel beater will maintain transparency by providing a detailed quotation without any hidden costs before beginning any work on your vehicle. Some companies have earned a bad reputation because they don’t maintain transparency and often come up with hidden charges.

Therefore, you should take a close look at the quotations along with the mentioned terms and conditions. The quotation provided to you must include the cost of labour, painting, parts and any other repair that your crashed vehicle requires. You must take quotations from different panel beaters. Compare the prices and then pick the best panel beater.

Finding the best panel beater is a daunting and highly time-consuming task. With the factors mentioned above, you’ll be able to choose the best panel beater for your car. Just like you choose your doctor carefully, you should be attentive while choosing your panel beater. At last, thorough research is fundamental while choosing the best panel beater.