A landing page provides the very first look into a website platform or a company. And these first impressions are crucial. These are specifically designed to give a clear message to the viewers about their services. When it comes to conversion, landing pages can turntables.

Some businesses get overwhelmed and use too much information and fancy colors that not only confuses the viewers but also distracts them. Transparency is the key to landing pages that convert – give your viewers information that they need and tell them how to use it. There are, however, some of the best examples in the industry to learn from.

5 Best Landing Page ExamplesTo Boost Conversion

When it comes to the digital, there are vast opportunities but don’t get carried away. The following are some of the best, hand-picked examples of successful landing pages that teach a specific lesson each. These examples can help you avoid common mistakes when you are designing your own website.


Let us start with the world’s famous video streaming platform: Netflix. Netflix has some major UX lessons that small business needs to learn from, especially when it comes to seamless onboarding, minimal landing page, and smooth interface. The streaming giant hosts a perfect landing page with clear call-to-action and sleek design.

The onboarding only requires an email, and the subscription forms have been divided into smaller forms on different pages. Another lesson to learn from Netflix is the use of less wording and text. As you can see from the landing page, it only says “Unlimited movies, TV Shows, and more,” with a catchy phrase that gets the most attention: “Watch anywhere, cancel anytime,” meaning there is no financial risk!

The fact that the page is such clear means that viewers can easily digest the message and go to the next step, which boosts conversion. Instead of taking big UX risks, we recommend consulting with website maintenance Dubai based experts to redesign your website with a fresher look.


Airbnb has multiple landing pages tailored specifically for each category, i.e., host, guests, etc. Here we will talk about Airbnb hosting page. Now when you look at the page, it appeals to the visitor with a clear message: “Earn money as an Airbnb Host.” The rest of the page includes testimonials from current hosts, addressing common issues and potential concerns like host protection, and liability.

Another interesting design feature is that the CTA button is red and stands out from the white background. The message, in the beginning, gets the viewer excited. Still, the excitement of earning money brings other concerns that are then addressed by testimonials and pictures and inspires the visitor to convert by clicking the “Get Started” button.


The landing page of Apple is similar to Netflix in simplicity, as both companies know their brand speaks for itself. The design itself is quite chic and minimal, with a simple message: A picture of their new device, with the enticing offer of a monthly payment or a trade-in. You can either click “Buy” or “Learn More.”

The landing page is entirely straightforward. If you click “learn more,” it takes you to another page where you can get a glimpse of the technology. If you click “Buy,” it simply takes you to the page which gives detailed information regarding the purchase and also offers an option to compare products. The website itself has a luxury, aesthetic appeal with a toned-down black and white theme.


Upwork is a platform for freelancers to find potential work. The company has divided jobs into different categories like Legal, Financial, Medical, etc. And the best part about Upwork is that they have made separate landing pages for these categories.

When you look at the landing page, you get a sense of connection as there is a photo of an actual writer at Upwork, with a CTA in green, “Get Started.” Below it, there is a list of business partners of Upwork and a list of experienced writers on Upwork and their brief profiles. Then there is a quick, four-step instruction on how to get started on Upwork.

This landing page structure is pretty popular among web designers because it provides all the information that a writer would require—for example, charges, types of work, etc. The page seems to directly talk to the viewer and present them with all the information on one page. You can also design the same for your business, but make sure to consult a professional.


The Last example is MasterClass, a platform where people can learn from the best in every industry through online courses. Think Gordon Ramsey, Malcolm Gladwell, Annie Leibovitz, and many more. It has a beautiful landing page with a Behind-the-scenes video playing in the background, and simple CTA “Get Started.”

Another plus feature is that there is no form to fill, only a subscription fee that is mentioned on the page, “$15/month (billed annually). The landing page video makes the page very attractive as it shows many celebrities. Everything on the page itself is clear and concise. The visitor immediately knows the services it provides, and the price in one look. Works like magic!

What are the Qualities of a Great Landing Page?

 A landing page of a website is made with an objective in mind, be it subscription, purchase plan, etc. The most important feature of a good landing page is that it should have a precise and to the point message with call-to-action words. To make sure your users don’t get confused, we recommend a minimalist, chic design.

Secondly, you need to create a human connection by including a small gif or a video on your landing page. You can also show your authority by citing reviews or partnerships. Show your potential customers that you care about their needs and address their concerns.

Landing Page Conversion

These are some of the best examples of landing pages in the industry that not only attracts viewers’ attention but also converts. The best conversion rate of a landing page is 10%, and you can learn from these examples and redesign the website and its landing pagesto increase conversion.

Don’t get too overwhelmed and end up crowding out your page with information and links, get professional assistance, and start experimenting!