Art has different forms and they are all incredible but the one that people mostly love is glass table art. Even though this art has become so old, still people love it due to the magical and elegant look. There are many forms of glass art paintings and they all are fascinating. One new addition to this glass painting is the pin weaving technique that includes all kinds of objects pinned to a glass.

The technique is not as hard as it looks once the product is ready. All you need is a pin woven portion that should be completed first. Then it is removed from the temporary loom and attached to the fused glass frame. You can choose any type of frame for this design but you need to be sure that the glass frame is not smaller than the woven portion. That all you need and the fused glass table art is ready.

To learn tips to weave glass for fusing there are many DIY videos that you can find online. There is a step by step guides to making easy fused glass table art. You can learn to make visibly interesting glass art.

You can use any glass for fusing but some glass works better than others than have better results and more visibly clear to look at. Even ordinary window glass can be used. Many people consider using colored glass to give a more dramatic effect. There are varieties of floating glass available in different colors. Fusing is different for this you will be needing a special fusible glass which can either be opaque or transparent.

Here are some instructions for pin glass weaving,

  • Cut glass in to strip almost 5.5 inches long.
  • Lay them across the full length of the washed woven portion of the mold.
  • Leave some space between them.
  • Make sure mold is elevated and sitting on a small kiln shelf.
  • Slum fuse for 20 minutes.
  • After cooling the glass, place woven strips into the kiln shelf.
  • Full fuse glass weave flat.
  • Place and center flat woven glass into a prepared mold and then proceed with slumping of dish or vase.

You can either make woven glass art or woven wall art by taking these steps. The woven wall art is relatively big and has a bigger frame. They all look mesmerizing to look at. If you wish to have a bigger bolder look of the woven art then you can use a bigger and clearer glass frame for it.