What you are about to read is going to be something spicy because let’s face it! I am going to bring some real talks on the ground! It is less likely going to be related to art history or other sorts of scientific knowledge because, to be honest, that is the kind of stuff Google is overloaded with. Because of being raised in a complete artistic environment where my mother and father were both artists by profession I happened to have a special interest in this field and have got the chance to keenly observe how the presence of paintings and art pieces affect the environment and overall look of one’s house. But just to make things clear the stuff you are going to read is purely my point of view and how I felt! Ok once that is off the way, let’s get into this!

It all started when my father chose the path of art and the fantasy associated with it over the job of a carpenter. He got rejected by his father, the community, and every single person who existed there for the mere reason that he was not earning and just painting. Then he got married to the most wonderful woman on this earth and that was my mom! They both started the struggle of art knowing that they will show the world how they look at the thing through their art. The struggle sure was a long one and took over 20 years until they got their hands on the internet and their game ran like nothing else. Even today they are appreciated for what they do and earn quite a lot of fame.

The most positive impact of those paintings was on us and our lovely house. Since I had two artists in my home so we could easily put up those paintings, make sure you do not make such decisions yourself, and hire someone who has knowledge about interiors.  You know great people always say we can only find happiness when we don’t consider ourselves an exception from nature because we are the essence of God’s creation! You can’t go deep into these words until you practically get a chance to experience nature! Apart from the fact that our origin was the purest form of the countryside, our house was filled with nature! You must be thinking how? Well! Every morning my parents would pay a visit to the beautiful places of nature where the sun shined as if it reflected God’s light. The natural aromas lifted the embedded sensations from deep within, lush green trees dance along with the melodies and guess what after that morning walk, my parents used to paint the same beauty but with a dash of emotions added and people fell for such an art!.

No wonder why art has such an immense value! It is because it is the only medium of capturing the emotions associated with one’s spirit in a beautiful way or you can say it is how we can bring the souls that define the purpose of our very existence onto a small canvas. If you truly fall for a painting from deep within then, to be honest, you are unintentionally opening a path where you get a chance to unite and reunite with your true self. Just a little look at that painting rocking the main wall, every time you enter the hallway and you would be reminded of the best of your time. In our case, everybody had one favorite art piece that he or she felt for and honestly, every single peep to that painting brought a chill of absolute calmness throughout our body. Although the paintings have got a lot to do with the way your house is looking here we are focusing on how it affects you. It is like the purest souls of true emotions are provided with a medium to connect with you and help you snap out of this, materialistic world giving you a chance to meet the real you! Come on! Our home is something that is supposed to be ours so it should be filled with stuff that connects ourselves with our real existence.IT is not that you don’t get a chance to beautify your living space, paintings indeed add a lot to the decoration concern but I think their purpose of creation is beyond words to explain!